《6》Double Date.

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We made our way out of the hostel complex with him leading the way. Then we arrived at a black Mercedes Benz.

I thought to myself; these Uber drivers keep upgrading their cars, but as we got closer, I noticed there was no one in the driver's seat.

Hmmm, strange. I noted. Maybe it was one of those self driving cars.

Haha. Very funny. Self driving cars in what country?

He opened the front passenger's door for me and gestured for me to get in. I got it, he went to the driver's side and got in.

"Meet Umar and Miriam." He said, looking towards the back seat.

Umar and what? I didn't even notice them when I entered and they didn't say anything. Thank God, I didn't do anything embarrassing like fart or pick my nose.

I turned to face them. "I'm so sorry, I didn't notice you guys when I got in. Hello, nice to meet you guys." I smiled at them.

That explained the voices I heard earlier.

"It's okay. Like he said, I'm Umar and this is my girlfriend, Miriam." Umar explained briefly.

"Hi." Miriam said quietly.

"I'm Janette. You're very pretty, Miriam." I complimented her.

She was actually very pretty or maybe it was the makeup.

"Thanks." She blushed and pinched Umar's hand. Maybe he didn't compliment her when she got dressed.

"So, you are the Janette my friend couldn't stop talking about. He's totally in love. I get why he couldn't stop talking now. You're very beautiful." Umar jested, I blushed.

"Oh my, thank you so much." I replied shyly, looking at Vincent through the corner of my eyes.

"But seriously, he wouldn't stop --" Umar continued but was interposed by Vincent.

"That's ok, Umar. I think she's heard enough." Vincent quipped, shutting him up. He put the gear in drive and drove out of the school.

Umar and Miriam were involved in their own world while I looked outside taking in the beautiful scenery of the city and Vincent focused on the road.

There were moments I caught him staring at me, I didn't mind obviously. I loved that he had been talking about me and was intrigued by me. It made me like him more.

We got to an eatery minutes later. I was glad it wasn't a long drive because my stomach was already beginning to embarrass me. We all ordered our food and started eating.

"Why don't we go to the beach and then see the movie later. What do you think Janette?" Miriam asked, peering at me.

"That sounds nice, but I'm not dressed to go to the beach." I answered quickly, hoping she would not press the matter anymore.

I didn't want to go to the beach. I just wanted to see the movie and get back to the hostel before nightfall.

"Vincent, wouldn't you love to go to the beach?" Miriam asked him hoping to hear a more positive response from him. I sat where I was hoping I had telepathy so I could use it to tell Vincent to say no.

"I would absolutely love to, what about you Umar?" Vincent agreed. I inwardly facepalmed myself.

"Actually, Miriam and I planned it. So I'm definitely down to go." Umar answered.

Seriously, couldn't Vincent disagree?

"And Janette don't worry, we could stop by the mall and get a beach outfit. I don't have a beach cloth too." Said Miriam.

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