《27》Ice cream girlfriend.

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Weeks went by and we resumed classes. In a matter of months, I was going to be done with my masters and was going to get ready for the banking or working world.

I was daydreaming in class, imagining myself in suit and heels walking to and from the banking hall, swaying my hips as I walked or even at my desk clicking away at my keyboard and attending to a customer while occasionally glancing at the hot dude across the hall.

"Babe, how are you? Why are you smiling?" Chisom asked, pulling me out of my castle in the air.

I smiled. "Nothing." I replied when it was indeed something.

"Or are you thinking of Jonathan?" She raised her brows and chuckled.

I gagged. "Not even in his dreams would I ever think of him." I scrunched my face in disgust.

"That's what they all say. Then later on we would hear something different." She teased.

"You would never hear something different in my case." I snorted. "Besides I was just imagining myself in a suit checking out the hot dude across the banking hall." I smiled again at the thought of it.

"Look at this one, better snap out of it." She chuckled and I smiled sheepishly. Minutes after, the lecturer walked in cutting short our conversation.


On a boring Saturday, I was taking a nap. I had barely slept for two hours when my phone rang. I silently hissed before picking up the phone. I hissed loudly again when I saw who it was. "Hello." I said grouchily and sighed again.

"Hey dear, what's up?" Jonathan asked in his usual dull voice.

Every time what's up, what's up. That was the only thing he knew.

"I'm fine. What about you?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Huh, I'm good. Trying to stay alive." He chuckled.

If you like, die, what's my business? I rolled my eyes again.

"Ok." I stared at the ground which seemed more interesting than our conversation.

"So uh, I want to see you in the evening. Please don't say no." He rushed the words all at once.

"No. You can't come. Do not come!" I warned him.

"Please, I just want to see you. I miss you. I know you said I shouldn't come; I can't control myself." He begged.

"You see why I didn't want you to know about my apartment." My expression had morphed from grouchy to angry. He always found a way to annoy and irritate me every freaking time.

"I won't stay too long. I promise not to come again."

I sighed defeatedly. "Fine, you know your way."

"Yeah. I will bring ice cream on my way."

"Goodbye." I hung up


Two hours later. I heard a knock on my door. I sluggishly walked to the door and opened it plastering a feigned smile on my lips.

"Hey." He grinned, leaning in for a hug which I dodged because he smelled like sweat mixed with cheap perfume.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked, even though I didn't really care. "Come in."

"I'm good. Your apartment is very nice." He said.

"Thank you. You can have your seat." I gestured.

We had three sofas in the sitting room. Two were single sofas while the third one was a three-seater sofa. The three-seater sat in the middle while the other two were non adjacent to it on each side, so they were a little far from it. You can imagine where he sat, on the three-seater. I had no other choice but to sit beside him after all it was a three-seater sofa. We had a one-seater space.

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