《5》The Date.

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It wasn't up to an hour when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID –– unknown.

Who could this be? I thought to myself as I picked up the call. When picking an unknown number's call, I wait for the caller to speak first before I talk just so I can easily hang up and block the number if it's someone I don't know.

"Hello? Am I speaking to Janette?" The soft, calm voice spoke sending chills down my spine.

"Yea, who am I speaking to please?"

Even though I knew who was speaking, I still wanted to hear him introduce himself just to be sure, nah I just really liked hearing him say his name.

Creepy right?

"It's Vincent, hope you still remember me?" He asked.

Of course, why won't I remember you?

I beamed widely. "Yeah, I remember you."

"Ok, huh I just got to my apartment and I called to confirm if you gave me the right number or not."

I didn't find it funny but I shoved it aside.

I scoffed. "Anyways, have you eaten?" He continued.

"Yeah, what about you?" I asked since it was like the polite thing to do.

"Not yet but I'm about to get something." He replied.

"Alright then, take care of yourself and I'd see you on Monday."

"Okay, babe." He concluded as he dropped the call.

Did he just call you "BABE"?

Yeah he did. I smiled from ear to ear and nodded my head slowly.

Mama has fallen deeply for a guy she just met few weeks ago. I hope this ends well.

It will, stop thinking negatively. I snapped at my subconscious.

I laid on my bed thinking about the long and wonderful conversation we had as we walked. I noticed how happy I felt and how I didn't mind opening up and blabbering my inner thoughts and secrets to a total stranger.

For some reasons, I felt free and safe around him. I easily trusted him. He never gave a reason to doubt him. He was so pure and genuine. We definitely had a connection. I grinned again at the thought.

Because I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear Priscilla calling my name till she smacked my leg bringing me back to reality.

"What are you smiling about? Don't you dare lie to me." She warned.

"Nothing." I spoke sharply, hoping she would leave me alone. Unfortunately it didn't work.

"Well I know it's not nothing cause you wouldn't be smiling this way for nothing. This kind of smile is only caused by the thoughts of a man."

"Says who?" I raised my brows.

"Me. Anyways spill the beans, I'm waiting." She tickled me.

After laughing and begging for my life, I succumbed. "Fine, you're such a pest. Come to the bed." I tapped the empty space beside me and gestured for her to sit down.

She climbed the bed and started smiling. She didn't even hear what I was about to say.

"Okay, I'm here. Start talking." She commanded.

"Chill, woman. Don't rush me." I smiled.  Just thinking about him made my heart do multiple backflips. "So there's this guy I met few weeks back and well we've been talking and getting to know each other and ––"

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