《31》Mother's Love.

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There was a bout of silence that followed afterwards. I couldn't control the tears any longer. I let it all out. I was still waiting for my mum to say something or at least to hear her breathe. All I heard was silence. I wasn't aware that my airtime had finished and the call had been disconnected.

I sat there not knowing what to do until she called back. I flinched when I heard my phone ring. I wasn't really expecting her to call back. I thought she would still be mad.

"Hello, Janette," came her gentle and kind voice. My heart melted as my brain did a flashback to that Sunday before I left home.

"Mum, I'm so sorry." I said amidst sobs. "I'm very sorry mum for everything. Please forgive me." I wept uncontrollably.

She sniffed. "It's okay. I'm not mad at you. Do you know, I've been waiting for your call since the day you left?"

"I'm just really sorry. I regret everything now." I croaked. I hated to feel regret but I could not stop myself from feeling that way.

"I'm not mad anymore. How are you?"

"I'm on the verge of dying. I've lost hope, nothing seems to be working out for me anymore. I'm sad, broken, depressed, angry, lonely, disowned, frustrated, unemployed, broke and soon to become homeless." I lamented using my fingers to count and then, wiping the tears off my eyes. The tears never stopped, it just kept flowing and flowing.

"Don't say that Janette, you have a family. We are always here for you."

"Even with what I did and said? Dad probably doesn't want to see my ugly face again." I cried bitterly.

"No one is above mistakes. I was also wrong. Instead of flaring up at you and dictating what you should become, I was supposed to support you as my daughter that you are. Instead I turned a blind eye and watched you follow your dreams without any support. I'm sorry too."

"I was wrong in my manner of approach so it's my fault."

"Like I said, it is okay. To err is human, to forgive is divine. All that happened in the past, let it go Janette. Let it go, let bygones be bygones." She spoke gently. After a brief pause, she asked. "What exactly do you need?"

"I need help, a job, a place to stay because my rent is expiring in a few weeks' time. I also need money." Above all. I sniffled.

"My bank just opened a new branch at Solar Avenue and it is in dire need of staff. You can go there to apply, I will text you the address, date and time for the interview."

My tears ceased almost immediately; I became happy. I beamed. "Are you serious?" I widened my eyes. "I can't believe this! Thank you, ma." I exclaimed delightfully.

"I understand you need money too. I will send some to you, text your account details to me."

"Thank you so much mum." I was elated.

"It's okay. Now cheer up. Do you want to hear a secret?" she asked.


"James told me how you used him to get money from your father."

"What? Can't James keep a secret?" I yelped in disbelief. "Did he tell dad?"

"No, just me."

I huffed. "Phew!"

"I would be expecting your account details. Take care, I have something to attend to now. Bye!"

"Bye mum." I hung up and grinned a broad smile.

I was overjoyed. Words could not express how I felt. Finally, I was going to be out of my misery. I immediately dashed out of Ann's apartment to buy airtime. Once I had put it in my phone, I sent the text to her.

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