《26》Long time crush.

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Additional two months had gone. We were done with exams and were on a little break. Annabelle went to stay with her boyfriend while I went to stay with Chisom from time to time whenever I felt lonely. Chisom's fiancé lived in Delta state so she barely saw him and she needed company too.

Meanwhile, Jonathan was always calling me, begging me to come see him and hangout with me. I knew what he was trying to do and I made it clear to him countless times that I was not interested especially when he looked like a fat mop.

He continued to pester and disturb me asking to see me just once even though he always saw me every Friday evenings at the fellowship. I know what you are thinking, I said I hated going out and all that. But Chisom and Ann made me go every week. I couldn't say refuse when I was practically being dragged there.

One day, I decided to see Jonathan and give him a piece of mind so I went to school that evening because of him.

"Hey, what's up." He spread out his hands to hug me.

Look at this one, I laughed inwardly and evaded the hug. "I'm good, what about you?" I shook his hand

He smiled. "I'm okay. What have you been up to?"

Aargh!! What's up and what have you been up to, aren't they the same? The guy was soo...annoying and lame.

I sighed. "Nothing much, I'm just enjoying my break." I shifted my gaze from him to look at anything more interesting than he was.

"You guys are lucky. We are just about to start our exams. I'm really scared because I haven't prepared and I heard it isn't multiple choice exams this semester. I am also worried because I don't have any friends to help me during the exam, I am just very scared." He went on rambling and rambling.

I wanted to yell 'shut up guy, you talk too much'. He didn't even notice I was quiet while he talked and talked. He always found a way to bring the conversation back to himself. And he was nothing but boring.

Anytime I talked with him, he was always yapping, saying absolute jargons. I always wished he'd shut up! I just kept quiet and watched him rant and continue with his jargons.

After about fifteen minutes, I decided it was time for him to shut up. So I cut him off mid sentence. "My legs are aching me, I need to get a seat." I whined.

"Should we go to the love garden?" He asked more like suggested.

Great. I muttered under my breath

"Okay." I answered boringly and rolled my eyes.

In about five minutes, we got to the garden. All through the way he tried to hold my hand or put his hand around my shoulders and even my waist. All of which I dodged. I made a huge mistake coming to see him.

The reason why this garden was called love garden was still a mystery. What I knew was; it was a place where couples go to smooch, talk and do other things.

As for me, I just wanted to sit and while away time. If he tried nonsense with me. He would see my left and right fists (punchy and puncher). Thankfully, Vincent taught me how to punch.

"So um." He cleared his throat "I really like you Janette."

"Thanks?" I raised my brows knowing where the conversation was going.

"Not just like, I mean I love you."

I threw out the water I was drinking. "I like the joke you're cracking. Just months ago that you met me and you love me. Am I joke to you?" I exclaimed, vexedly.

"I'm serious Janette. I've always had this crush on you since we were in year one but I just didn't know how to tell you. It seems it's fate that brought you back to school for me." He blathered.

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