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I woke up startled by the shrieking pitch of the doorbell, bursting in my eardrums. My heart started to bounce energetically as the screeching sound never stopped.

Ding dong. Ding dong. Ding dong...It continued nonstop. It couldn't be ignored. I hissed angrily as I got out of bed and walked angrily to the door with my eyes half opened. I was going to give whoever it was, the beating they would never forget.

I opened the door, it was a pregnant lady I recognized immediately. She squealed. "Janette! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it." She chanted.

I scrunched my face. "Excuse me, knew what?" I rolled my eyes so she could see. I was pulling off my acting skills.

"I thought my eyes were deceiving me when I saw you yesterday." She spoke, looking a bit despondent that I didn't recognize her.

I looked at her, feigning annoyance. "Who are you and how do you know me?" Meanwhile I was burning deep within to hug her.

"You don't remember me?" Her face fell. "It's really been long. It's me --"

I cut her off. "Miriam!" I squeaked, smiling happily as I pulled her into the house for a hug forgetting she was pregnant.

As she hugged me, she slapped me on the back of my head. "You almost made me cry. Can't you see my condition?"

I rubbed my head. "Ow! Sorry, but my acting skills were mad right?" I grinned.

"Foolish girl. Hug me very well." She squeezed me and well, I did and laughed.

Seeing Miriam gave me a little hope that I might find Vincent even though it was possible that she hadn't heard from him after she and Umar got married.

But I still had faith.

"Please come in, ignore the mess. I just got here." I spoke still feeling confident about finding him.

"So where would I sit?" She asked challengingly.

I shrugged. "On the floor." I replied sarcastically.

"You must be silly." She was about to slap me again but I had fast reflexes.

"Does my head look like a drum?" I had to ask.

She chuckled. "Sorry. I have two naughty boys so it comes naturally."

"Wow. This is your third child already?" I asked pointing to her stomach.

"Yeah, the first two are twins. I'd be due next month." She added.

"Okay, I can't wait to see your baby. I hope it's a girl."

She sighed. "Me too but Umar wants another boy."

"What? Does he want to kill you?"

"He's on his own. I already know the baby is a girl. He would be shocked when I put to bed."

I laughed before saying. "Let's go into the room. That is the only place that has a little bit of sanity." I led the way while she walked behind me complimenting the house.

"So you mean you're the landlady of this house?" She asked after she sat on the bed.

I nodded slowly. "Yeah. My aunt used to be the landlady before she died." I noted sadly.

"Wow, wonderful." She remarked.

"What are you guys doing in Abuja? I thought you lived in Kano."

"We relocated. Umar wanted to join politics at the federal level badly so we had to leave Kano against his father's wishes."

"What's the big deal in politics that he had to disobey his dad?"

See who is talking about disobeying fathers. Jenny censured me.

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