《57》The Will.

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If anyone had barged in on us after our seventy positions, the person would have been frightened to death. The whole sitting room was upside down.

Huge mess was an understatement.

Throw pillows were all over the place, some of the sofas had left their original place while some of them didn't have their cushions on. I wouldn't even get started on both of us, lying naked on the floor.

I was sore, literally everywhere ached, from in between my legs to my back. My whole body. We got up from the floor after resting and catching our breaths, arranged the sitting room, picked our wet clothes and went into the bathroom to shower.

"So what do you think?" He asked after we showered.

"Well, kudos to you." I replied.

He bowed. "You're welcome. At least I know you wouldn't be able to leave after this."

I scoffed. So this was why he wanted to make me handicapped. "I'm still going."

"Why? Please don't go. I don't want you to go." He pleaded.

"I'm sorry, my mind is made up. I have to go. I need a change of environment."

He sighed. "Ok. If that would make you feel better and bring the old Janette back, I would wait." He agreed.

"Thanks for understanding."

"Can I come see you everyday?" He asked.

"Abbey!" I exclaimed.

"It was worth a shot. Can I go with you then?"

"I'm not going back to the apartment anymore but you can drop me off at the taxi park. I'll find my way from there."

"I will take what I can get." He paused for a moment and then continued. "Promise me you won't see someone else and forget about me."

I hissed. "For Christ's sake, keep your jealousy in check. Would you?"

He groaned and held my hands. "I just can't stand you being away."

"We will talk everyday, video or voice call. Whichever you like." I said reassuringly.

"Alright. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't miss you." He sighed, pulled a sweatshirt over his broad torso and we walked out of the room and out of the house.

"I'd miss you too. I'd just be away for a week or two." We got into the car and he drove to the taxi park.

"Take care of yourself please and remember I love you." He stroked my cheek with his thumb and tucked a loose braid behind my ear.

"Take care of yourself too and remember I don't know how to drive." I reached for the door.

"Wait. I will teach you when you get back. Can I have a goodbye kiss?"

"Okay." We learned towards each other and we kissed for a while longer than a normal kiss. Left alone to Abbey, he wouldn't have allowed me to leave.

"Can I go now?" I pulled out.

He chuckled. "Sorry, I got carried away. I'll miss you so much."

"Pull yourself together, I'm only going for a week or more. Take care."

"Bye baby." I hopped out of the car and found a free taxi. I gave the cab driver the address of the hotel I looked up online and we left the park.


We got to the hotel two hours later, I paid and was given a room. I really needed the change of environment. I needed to clear my head and be sure of my feelings. On one hand, I still had hope that I was going to find Vincent and we were going to continue our love story from where we stopped but on the other hand, I was developing feelings for Abbey and I wasn't sure if I could term it love or infatuation.

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