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The month ended and the pains I felt all over my body had reduced. I was happy that my baby was alright and there was no more scare. Abbey still made it his duty to massage me every night and well, I didn't object, I enjoyed it.

I was already in my fifth month and I could feel my baby move. It felt so weird carrying a life inside of me. My stomach was getting bigger and bigger and I was adding weight because I was eating too much.


One night, one of the many nights work wanted to snuff life out of me. Abbey wanted to pick me up but I asked him not to wait for me as we all had a standing meeting with our overall bosses. I wasn't even pitied with my condition.

The meeting ended as late at eight o'clock in the night and the house was two hours away. Abbey had called me nonstop, asking where I was. I finally got home at ten, famished. Thankfully his mum had prepared food, that was the only benefit of having her around. I quickly ate the food, thanked her and went into our room to prepare for the next day's work and rest.

"You look so stressed. Come, let zaddy take care of you." He said as soon I finished taking my bath and was about to slip into my nightgown to sleep because I had to be up very early the next day.

I groaned, I really needed a massage because everywhere ached from standing so long at the meeting. "Okay." I replied happily, took off my towel and sat at the edge of the bed. He sat behind me, put coconut oil on his palms and started massaging. He started with my neck, my shoulders. Literally everywhere ached. He continued down to my back and stomach.

I was enjoying every bit of it and so I was aroused instantly. Curse pregnancy hormones. He saw I was enjoying it and he added kisses to the massage. I was on cloud nine. I forgot all about my stress and the madness that happened at the meeting. Abbey sure knew how to take good care of me and relieve stress.

I managed to ask. "Is the door locked?" because I wouldn't tolerate his mother interrupting us again.

"Yup." He whispered making my whole body tingle. He continued massaging and kissing me making me want him badly but at the same time we couldn't go further than that because of the baby.

"Don't start what you can't finish." I muttered.

"Don't worry, you'd soon feel better, zaddy will take good care of you."

"Since when did you start calling yourself 'zaddy'?" I questioned, smiling to myself.

"Doesn't it sound sexy? Don't you like it?" He bit my ear gently, I groaned and closed my eyes. I was enjoying myself. Today's massage was different than usual. He was acting kind of weird and the weirdest thing was that I liked it.

"I love it." I whispered drowsily. In between my legs were starting to tingle, my legs were quivering. I thought I was going to explode with the way heat wave surged through my body. I moaned softly and rested my back on his chest and said. "You don't know the reactions that's occurring in my body right now."

"I really wish we can go further than this, but I don't want my baby to wake up one day and say he felt something hitting his head while he was still in the womb." He chuckled.

"What? You're silly." I laughed.

After a short while, I started drifting off to slumberland.

"Babe." He called. I was in between real world and dream world.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"I want you to quit your job." He continued.

I pretended not to have heard.

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