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Throughout the weekend and the next week, I planned my getaway. I was slowly getting my things together, arranging my stuff into the two boxes I brought when I was coming to Port Harcourt.

Abbey had asked me why I was removing my things from the wardrobe, I told him I wanted to clean it and fumigate because I saw non existent cockroaches.

I secretly bought a flight ticket online.  The flight was by 12pm on Friday. I planned to convince Abbey to go to work that day and then I would leave Port Harcourt for good.

My boss was right when he said Port Harcourt was going to be an adventure, it sure was one helluva experience.

Through the help of lawyer Eze, I was able to get divorce papers without Abbey's knowledge. I signed it knowing fully well it would be very hard to convince him to sign it.

I couldn't sleep all through Thursday night, I kept on turning and tossing hoping dawn would come soon. After a while, I slept off and woke up again when I heard Abbey preparing for work. After he left by eight am, I showered, ate, wrote a letter–– I was a coward, I know.

I couldn't tell him to his face that I was leaving because I knew he would use his charming juju on me and I  wouldn't want to leave. Then when he starts talking all dirty, I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation thereby ending up in bed with him again with my crooked priorities.

So I wrote a letter, put it and the divorce papers on the bed and said my final goodbyes to the house.

I took a taxi and arrived at the airport by eleven fifteen, I checked in for my flight, then passed through the security gate where the security guard looked at my ticket scrutinizingly. He looked at it for a while and then spoke.

"Mrs. Dombraye, mm? Are you related to Mr. Dombraye?" He asked.

"Is there a problem mister? Can't you see I'm in a hurry?" I answered rudely.

"Nothing, just that the name is well know in this state."

"I'm his sister." I replied sharply without thinking. He gave me an 'I don't believe you' look before handing the ticket back to me.

I was hoping he would mind his business.

I went to the departure hall, found my boarding gate and boarded a one way trip to The Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria, ABUJA.

One hour ten minutes later, we arrived at Abuja safely. The environment was hot, meaning harmattan was here already compared to Port Harcourt where the weather was having mixed feelings.

I got out of the airport, ordered an Uber, told the driver the house address and sat back to enjoy the ride. I looked at my phone to check the time. Abbey would've been back by now, probably reading the letter I left.

Hi, Abbey. This is stupid, I know. But this was the only way I could do this without looking into your eyes. This was the only way, I could say what I wanted to say without having doubts and change my mind.

I'm sorry that you had to find out this way but I'm gone. By the time you'd be reading this letter, I might either be at my destination or still in the air, either ways, I've left Port Harcourt for good.

I left to find the one I truly love and wish to spend the rest of my life with. You're a great guy, Abbey and you deserve someone that reciprocates your love and that person isn't me.

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