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Where did I stop the last time?

Oh yeah! That was the last thing I remembered before...

I opened my eyes slowly, trying to adjust my vision which was nearly impaired by the intense sunlight coming in through the window.

Who places a bed facing the window? I hissed.

Wait a minute, this isn't my room.

I adjusted myself on the bed, trying to figure out what happened and why I was here in a strange place. I turned, my butt had direct contact with the bed sheet. I looked under the blanket, I was stark naked.

Oh no! What I have done? What happened? I shut my eyes and pinched myself, hoping it was a dream.

What happened was you got drunk and you fainted.

Wait, my subconscious also lost consciousness?

Is that the point? Open your eyes and see where you are.

I opened my eyes again. This wasn't my room. I turned to my right and saw a shirtless Abbey sound asleep beside me, I looked under the blanket to confirm my fears, he was naked too.

I slapped myself, I wasn't sure this was real. You know there are some types of dreams that looked and felt real. I was wishing this was one of those type of dreams.

I was still in the same room after slapping and pinching myself.

No, no, no, no, no, I cried. I rammed my head into the pillow multiple times, I had no memory of what happened last night after I entered the car. It was all a blur.

Abbey stirred up and sighed, the sunlight was affecting him too. He opened his eyes and saw me hitting the pillow with my head.

"Oh, you're awake." He said, smiling.

"And surprised, what am I doing here?"

"I couldn't take you home because of the state you were in."

"Okay, why are we both stark naked?" I held my breath afraid of the answer.

"Because we had fun last night. You were upset about something but you didn't say. You were even the one that initiated the whole thing. You said it would take your mind off the thing that made you upset. You were so good, you kept on asking for more, urging me to continue."

"Oh no!" I facepalmed myself.

"After a while, you started calling me Vincent which was strange."

"Were you protected?"

"I wanted to but you said there was no need, that you couldn't get pregnant."

"I was drunk, why did you listen to me?" I cried.

Way to go madam.

Someone I refused to kiss the other day. I had unprotected sex with him, great, just great.

"You looked fine to me after I brought you home." He gave a half shrug.

"I stopped taking my contraceptive pills since two years ago. I really hope I don't get pregnant. A baby is the last thing I need now."

"You'd be fine, it's just this one time." I nodded.

I really hope I'm lucky this time.

I looked around, my gown was sprawled out on the floor near the bedroom door. Abbey's jacket and trousers followed suit, after it was my panties his shirt and his boxers. I felt so ashamed. I couldn't even get up to pick my clothes.

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