《45》Christmas Party.

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Saturday arrived within the blink of an eye. Abbey had asked a makeup artist to help with my makeup and hair because Ibinabo wasn't around. She went to spend the Christmas break with her family.

The lady did a really good job and left. I got dressed, the dress looked better on me the second time and it even made my waist look slimmer and my butt bigger. I sat in front of the mirror admiring my reflection, happy with what I saw.

Quarter to seven, Abbey called to inform me that he was around. I sauntered out of the apartment to be greeted by a devilishly handsome man. He was dressed in a handsomely tailored black suit, a red vest, a white shirt with a black bowtie and black leather shoes.

"Milady." He grinned. "You are absolutely gorgeous." He complimented me, making me grin widely.

"Thank you. You look very handsome."

"I'm glad you chose this dress. Shall we?" We locked hands and he led me to his car. I got in and shut the door while he went to the driver's seat and drove facing an unfamiliar route.


We got to the events centre, A&D events centre was written on a banner hung on the gate.

"Do you own this place?" I enquired.

"Yes. We use it for different events and rent it out to people for different occasions, weddings and the likes." He explained.

"Cool, another way to make more money." I mused.

"Exactly. Would you wait here for me while I find a suitable parking space?"

"Okay." I got out of the car and waited for him. He arrived moments later and we walked into the hall with his hand on my waist.

The ceiling of the hall was decorated with green and red linen from different corners and they converged at the centre of the hall. There was a big podium at the other end of the hall, facing the door where the DJ stayed and was playing music. Christmas lights adorned the wall behind him and the Christmas tree was right beside the podium. The tables and chairs were also covered with red and green linens, which made me think the decorator did a lazy job.

Ground air conditioners stood a few metres apart, reducing the temperature and making the air too cold. If I had known, I'd have worn a jacket because I was shivering.

'Joromi' by Simi was playing over the speakers until someone tapped the microphone and the volume of the song was brought down. He said. "Everyone please put your hands together for our special guest of honour, the MD A&D company, Mr. Dombraye and his beautiful wife."

I coughed, wife? Who asked him to introduce me as Abbey's wife? I looked at Abbey, he was smiling and didn't seem bothered by what the MC said, that made me wonder. I was literally freaking out internally.

The crowd applauded. "You're welcome sir and ma." The MC continued. I was liking the attention; thank goodness my dress was beautiful. We waved as we walked down the aisle at everyone that cared and was watching. The volume of the song was brought back on while people danced and some sat drinking and talking.

"I would introduce you to a few friends of mine." He spoke softly.

"Okay." We walked deeper into the hall and he spotted a couple he knew.

"Mr. and Mrs. Umeh, how are you doing?" He shook the man's hand and hugged the woman. They both looked like they were in their early fifties. The man was a stout man with a bulging stomach while the woman was a little taller and skinnier than the man with poorly done makeup on her face.

"Good evening Mr. Dombraye, good evening Miss–" He trailed off.

I smiled. "Janette Williams. Good evening sir and ma'am."

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