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Even though the mall wasn't far, traffic made it look far. When we got there we were tired and hungry so we decided to get drinks and snacks. After eating and resting for a while, we got down to business and by business, I meant clothes buying.

After four hours of picking and dropping. Nays and yeahs. I finally managed to pick about ten dresses. Vincent even suggested I picked shoes and purses to match.

One thing though kept bothering me. How was he getting the money he was spending?

But I never asked cause as the saying goes 'Never ask questions you don't want to know the answer to.' So I kept quiet and enjoyed the money.

After all, YOLO!

"Ok, we can go now. I'm okay with these." He paid for the clothes and we left the mall.

We made our way to the car and headed home. Luckily traffic had lessened then so we got home on time to rest and prepare for the party.

As soon as we stepped into the apartment, I was greeted by Miriam's questioning eyes.

"You guys should have slept there." She batted her eyelids.

I gave her a dismissive hand wave and sneered. "Is that the way you welcome someone that's just coming home after a really long time?"

"Her royal majesty, you're very welcome ma." She exclaimed sarcastically and twisted her lips.

"Thank you my faithful servant." I replied her sarcastically and walked past her way to the room to pick the dress I was going to wear out.

I sighed, here come the hardest part.

I started searching the bags looking for nothing in particular. I had emptied the bags and spread the dresses all over the bed and the shoes were arranged on the floor alongside with their purses.

What was I thinking when I chose these clothes? I couldn't wear any of them. I picked all of them blindly without thinking.

They were too short. Some barely had anything covering the backs. Some stopped few inches after my butt while the rest were sleeveless and off-the-shoulder.

I was definitely going to feel uncomfortable wearing these kind of clothes as I wasn't used to them.

"Why don't you wear that red dress? It'll look just right on you and help bring out your curves." Vincent said interrupting my train of thoughts.

I glanced around to look at the red dress. Lo and behold, it fell into the category of sleeveless, backless and it stopped a few inches after my butt.

"No way, how would I wear this? I'd be mistaken for a slut." I exclaimed and let out a fatigued sigh.

"Not if I'm there to say otherwise." He said in an authoritative tone. "Besides I want you to make a statement while we're there."

"What kind of statement would I make if not 'I'm an available snack for all and I'm ready to be eaten by all." I exclaimed with my hands on my hips, staring at the clothes in disbelief.

What was I thinking when I was selecting them?

I don't think you were thinking at all. You refused to listen to me because of Vincent so bear the consequences.

I forgot I was arguing with myself and hissed loudly.

"No. It'd say I'm with him so back off because I'd be right next to you when we enter the club."

"Okay sir. I hope you can fight." And so as usual, I listened to him. He would be there to protect me if I fell into trouble.

Besides, if I didn't wear the clothes now, when else would I wear it?

I packed the rest of the clothes away and left the red one on an hanger and went to take my bath. I thought I'd have time to sleep and still prepare for the party, but I was wrong.

"Aren't you going to do your makeup?" Miriam asked as she barged into the room carrying her makeup box. I forgot she was a makeup artist.

"Makeup? No. I don't like makeup." I groaned. I wanted to sleep.

"What do you think the time is?" She rose a brow.

"Should be like past nine or thereabout." I guessed.

"It's past ten. Get your ass off that bed and sit on this chair let me get this over with."

What a bossy woman, I thought as I shook my head. "I'm fine without makeup." I protested. I was about to say something else when I saw her charging towards me. I quickly flew off the bed and landed on the chair.

"Fine." I huffed reluctantly sitting on the chair. Within minutes she was done with my face, she also helped to style my hair and honestly she did a great job because I could barely recognize myself.

"Don't you prefer the way you look now than being a plain Jane?"

Of course I did. "Yes I do." I said as I looked over and over again in the mirror admiring my reflection. "Thanks."

"You're welcome, now try not to smear it and I'll be right back to adjust it before we leave." She commanded as she arranged the stuffs she scattered all over the place into her makeup box and walked out of the room.

"Okay ma." I stood up and went back to the bed to lie down.

I laid on my back on the bed thinking of how the party would look like and smiling to myself as I thought of all eyes being on me as we stepped into the club.

I assumed the DJ would announce 'here comes Vincent and his girlfriend Janette' and then everyone would give us a round of applause, while some girls would be staring at me wishing to be me.

So naive.

For some reasons, I thought he'd be popular, he might be, well who knows? I tried to turn on my side as I quickly remembered there was makeup on my face. I knew I had to sit upright if not I'll smear the makeup and stain the bed sheets.

"Are you alright?" He asked before he looked at my face. "Woah, you look wow. You look...you look...like an angel." He stuttered.

I blushed. He nailed the expression I was looking for. "Thank you."

"You should dress up now, we are about to leave." He picked his shoes from the wardrobe and walked out.

"Uhm, please tell Miriam to come adjust my makeup." I called out to him hoping he heard.

Well he did as Miriam appeared few minutes later, did the necessary and told me to let my hands stay off my face and I shouldn't smile too much to avoid smile lines or crack lines or whatever she called it.

When she was done, I put on the red dress, wore a snakeskin glass heeled slippers and took a black purse. Just as I was approaching the door to step out, Vincent came in again to call me and by the way he froze mid air I could tell he was mesmerized.

"Oh my goodness. I need to take a picture of this. You look absolutely gorgeous. Heads would turn once we step into the club." He complimented me.

Too much flattering, but I loved it.

"Thank you boo." I said as I posed for him to take some shots. Umar suddenly entered interrupting our moment.

Can't you knock? I wanted to scream at him.

"What are you guys do ––" He paused as he took a good look at me from head to toe and continued, "wow, you look wow. I would say this as low as possible, you look beautiful. Vincent, you caught a good one." He chuckled.

Vincent grinned. "My eyes are very sharp."

"Thank you Umar." I replied him ignoring Vincent's statement. At this point, I was so certain that mouths were going to drop wide open for me and eyes would stare in awe as I stepped into the club.

"Now I see why Vincent can't get enough of you. Anyways, you guys should wrap this up quickly let's leave." He walked out of the room.

Seconds later we were done with the photos and we left for the club. I had never felt so rebellious.


I guess there's a first time for everything.

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