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My eyelids flew open, I looked around trying to figure out where I was. Everywhere was painted white.

Oh my God, am I dead? I panicked inwardly.

Please open your eyes very well. Jenny exclaimed.

I shut my eyes and opened it again. The smell of the room brought me to my senses. I was in the hospital. I tried to sit up but the pains I felt all over my body was unbearable. My stomach was aching, my head, my back, my neck, literally everywhere ached.

I looked down at my body, I was still in my wedding dress. I looked to my right, Ibinabo was fast asleep on the couch dressed in office wears. I looked to my left, Abbey was on a chair, his head was resting on the bed and he was holding my hand. I withdrew my hand from his grip and tapped him gently. He woke up and sighed deeply.

The dark circles and eye bags under his eyes were glaring, I felt bad because I knew I was the cause. He stood up from his chair, kissed me and sat on the bed.

"Thank God you're awake. How are you?"

"I feel pains all over my body." I complained.

"Sorry, it's the way you fell on Saturday and the doctors didn't want to put you on plenty medication because of your condition." He informed me.

"On Saturday? What happened? What day is it?" I rubbed my forehead trying to remember what happened.

"Tuesday." He answered briefly, ignoring my other questions.

"Tuesday? I need to be in the office, I have a lot of work to do." I panted, trying to get off the bed as quick as possible.

"Relax, your blood pressure is already high as it is. Don't give yourself hypertension. Tamara gave you some time off, as long as you need to rest."

"Alright, but we need to leave this place, I'm getting sick of it." I gagged.

"Let me get the doctor." He stood up and walked out of the room.

My hand fell on where his head was resting before on the bed, it was wet. I looked at it and saw the map the tears had formed. My heart melted. He was crying because of me. The thought of that also made me tear up.

Ibinabo turned and asked. "Janette, how do you feel?"

On hearing her voice and seeing that she was coming towards me, I sniffed and quickly wiped my eyes. "Like a piece of crap, everywhere hurts." I faked a smile so she wouldn't see my tears even though my croaky voice gave it away.

"Sorry. Honestly, we were all afraid that you were going to die. You didn't show any sign of consciousness till now." She said gently.

"I thought I was dead too." I remarked.

"I can't count how many times I caught Abbey crying. Since the wedding day, he never left your side for a second. I even cried too. I couldn't concentrate at work. We were all scared because the doctors didn't know what was wrong or why you weren't responding to treatment and they didn't want to give you so much drugs so they don't harm the baby. I'm just so happy you're back." She sniffled and hugged me tightly. All my days of knowing Ibinabo, I had never seen her so emotional before. Meaning what happened was really serious and it affected everyone deeply.

There was no stopping the tears now, I cried until everywhere hurt the more. I said amidst sobs. "I'm so sorry to be the cause of your restlessness."

"Don't be silly. Why are you apologising? No one has control over these things." She patted my back and released me from the hug.

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