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As soon as I stepped into the hostel complex, I noticed the girls that were outside were giving me the stare.

Haven't they seen someone coming out of a car before? Or maybe it was the kind of car I came out of?

Oh now I get it. They hadn't seen me coming out of a car before. I wore a self satisfied smile on my face and quickly made my way up the stairs to my room before their fierce stares made me trip and die.

As soon as I got into the room, the angry gaze I received from Priscilla sliced my heart. One of her brows was slanted in strong disapproval. I stared fixedly at her trying to think of what I did to deserve such a stare.

"Hmmmm, look who finally decided to show up." She said very angrily and hissed before returning her attention to her phone.

"I know you missed me baby, I'm back. For now." I muttered the last part and sat on her bed.

She rolled her eyes. "I don't see extra bags with you. Where are the stuff I asked you to get?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Sorry, but I didn't get anything. Don't you want to know all about my date?"

"There's nothing to hear. I saw it all on your Instagram story and WhatsApp status. You had fun, I get it." She exclaimed abrasively.

"I don't understand. Why are you upset? Weren't you the one that kept on telling me to get out of my shell and enjoy my teenagehood?"

"Why wouldn't I be upset? I needed someone to talk to and you weren't here. Instead you went out with some dude you barely knew and you stayed over. What if something hap ––" She stopped halfway.

"That's enough." I retorted. "You know, this wasn't the kind of reaction I was expecting from you. I was expecting you to be happy for me. I finally found something good and here you are behaving like an evil witch." Immediately I said it, I regretted it.

I just called my friend a witch. I sighed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." I apologised.

"I'm sorry too. I didn't realise how witchy my attitude was. I guess I was a little jealous because Dami and I broke up." She sighed.

"I'm really sorry about that. Hope you're okay?"

"Don't worry I'm fine. There would be more." She forced a smile. It was obvious she was really hurting.

I hugged her. "Anytime you need to talk, I'll always be ready to give a listening ear even if we're miles apart." Priscilla was a really good person. She was someone I took as a best friend so I understood why she was upset, we were pretty tight.

"Are you going back there next weekend?" She sniffled.

"Oops. I am."

"That means I have to start getting used to you being away."

"I'd always be around if you have anything on your mind or maybe a hot gist for me."

She laughed. "They would sell you because of gist."

"God forbid. Hope we're good now?"

"Yes. Get out of my bed. Fast." She snapped her fingers.

I laughed. "Look at you. Who wants to stay on this dirty germs filled bed? Look at my clothes, see all the bacteria and fungi on it." I quickly stood up and pointed at the imaginary bacteria and fungi to prove my point.

I was glad we had made up because malice was the last thing I needed to keep now. Especially not with my best friend.


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