《19》Confrontations & Sad memories.

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I hated confrontations more than anything else but I knew I couldn't overlook this. I had to get answers immediately.

The air in the room suddenly became hotter even though the air conditioner was on. Blood was gushing through my veins rapidly, my face flaming in anger. My eyes blazing with fury and resentment.

I balled my fists, released my fists, balled it again and released it. I continued doing this for a while because my rage was mixed with confusion. I wasn't sure of what to do or even say. I just kept on staring at the pictures with nothing but disgust and hatred for the guy my world once revolved around.

"What is this?" I roared once I had finally got ahold of my tongue. "And who is this?" I glared and flung the phone at him. I didn't even care if the phone hit the floor and broke. I was enraged.

His forehead creased. "Huh, what do you mean? He asked as he picked the phone up from where it landed. He looked at it for a while as if he was asking himself how I saw it and why he forgot to get rid of it. He looked up slowly to see me huffing and puffing. "Oh! Are you okay?" He voiced shakily as he saw the state I was in.

How would I be okay??

"Of course I'm not okay. Who is that and I want to hear nothing but the truth!" I demanded outraged.

"That's my friend, Stella. She is just a friend, Janette." He said coolly.

What? Did I hear correctly?

I raised my brows and gritted my teeth. "Just a friend? Vincent. Just a friend? Seriously? And you took these kind of pictures with her? Does she look like "just a friend" in these photos?" I air quoted. He even had the guts to say she was just a friend.

"Look, we were both drunk and alone that day. What was I supposed to do? We went with the flow." He spat out spitefully. "She even has a boyfriend."

"Oh. She has a boyfriend and she took these kind of pictures with you, a random guy? That is so unbelievable. You must think I'm still wearing diapers if you expect me to believe the garbage that's spewing from your mouth." I gave a bitter laugh and kept quiet. I was too angry for words.

"You weren't there. Did you expect me to fold my arms and sit like a sad child?"

My expression hardened. "Don't you dare bring this back to me. Don't you dare. Did you expect me to travel with you to Abuja? What was I supposed to tell my parents?" I hissed. "Why did you block me from viewing your WhatsApp status?" I queried.

"I knew if you saw those pictures, it would break your heart and I didn't want to hurt your feelings." He defended himself.

"Well your stupid plan didn't work because you more than just hurt my feelings. I don't understand why I'm getting upset. I'm not even your girlfriend. I don't even know what I am to you. Am I a fuck buddy or your ho or someone you just can't get rid of?" I exclaimed angrily.

"Janette!" He yelled. "Don't say that."

"Okay, what else am I supposed to say? I just have a simple question for you. Did you sleep with her?" He was silent. "Answer me Vincent, did you or did you not sleep with her?" I howled.

He glowered. "Yes, I did. I did okay? Are you happy now?" He barked. "Now don't try to act like a saint because you're a bloody pretender." He snapped.

"I'm a pretender? Tell me, when have I ever pretended to you? Tell me."

"Oh, oh. You think I don't know you're sleeping with Alex and Fran --" Before he could complete that statement, I slapped him. I didn't even know where I had the courage to do that.

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