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Everyday felt like our honeymoon. He made sure he took care of me well. He watched his words around me because anything could trigger the disorder.

Because of what happened, I became withdrawn. I stopped talking much not like I was a parrot before. I spent most of the time on my phone or reading a book in the bedroom.

Abbey had tried everything to bring me back to normal. We went out, took walks we even had a little garden in the compound. He stopped going to work completely and started working from home.

Everything was going fine until his mother showed up one day. It was a Sunday evening, we were in the room watching TV, a comedy show was on. Then we heard the doorbell ring. We looked out through the bedroom's window and saw his mum at the gate with a girl and bags. When I saw the girl, I thought his mum was bringing a maid for us.

Abbey went downstairs first, I followed suit. He went to open the gate to let them in while I stayed in the living room.

"Good evening mama." I greeted as they entered the house, she hissed. "Mama I greeted you." I continued.

"And so? What is good about the evening, you witch?" She yelled and hissed.

"What?" Abbey and I exclaimed, we were aghast. It was so surprising how people change from being nice to being horrible and nasty.

She put her hand on the girl's shoulder. "This girl is my son's new wife and the mother of my soon to come grandchild."

I looked at the girl, she was smiling coyly. "Good evening sir and madam." She greeted.

I bet that was the only thing she knew in English language.

"Mum, what's the meaning of this nonsense?" Abbey asked as he saw the tears rolling out of my eyes.

"Ask your wife. Ask her what she did to my grandchild." she exclaimed abrasively.

"What are you talking about mama?" I stared at her in disbelief.

"Yeah mum, I'd also like to know." Abbey chirped in.

"Your wife is a witch. She used my grandchild for rituals and ate him. Am I lying?" She spat venomously.

"What? Have you gone mad?" I asked her.

"Can you imagine? Talking to me with no respect." She flung her hands in the air for dramatic effects.

"I'm sorry mum, but have you truly gone mad?"

"She has bewitched my son oh, she has bewitched him." She threw herself to the ground. "My pastor said so oh, you're a witch and you killed my grandchild and now you've taken my son away from me." She fake wailed.

"This is crazy. Mama, you're crazy. I don't know the nonsense you're up to and I don't like it. So if you know what's good for you, take this village girl and leave my matrimonial home or I'd leave." I said firmly and wiped the tears from my eyes. This wasn't the time to cry.

"It's better you leave, carry your evil spirit and leave. At least I know that my son would be back to normal, all the problems will go away." She replied cruelly.

"The only person leaving this house is you, mum and your friend. Janette is my wife and this is our house." Abbey said in an authoritative voice. My heart fluttered as he said so.

"I am not going anywhere till I get a grandchild from you Abbey. Your wife has proven she isn't capable anymore and I've brought a pure girl for you, a virgin not one that has slept with everything in trousers and didn't even deem it fit to protect herself. I won't step a foot out of this house until Amaka stops seeing her period. Period!" She exclaimed, put her arms akimbo and shook her legs vigorously.

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