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Umar came in minutes later to take us home. That was the last thing I remembered before waking up to a splitting headache. My head was so hot, it felt like my brain was enlarging rapidly inside my skull. This kind of headache felt very strange. A different kind of headache.

Vincent wasn't by my side when I woke up. I kept rubbing my head, trying to figure out what was causing my head to hurt so badly. He walked in and chuckled as he saw me rubbing my head and rolling from side to side uncomfortably.

"My head hurts so badly." I complained to him.

"First time drinking?"

"Yes and it's also my first time drinking heavily. Why didn't you stop me?" I whined further and continued massaging my temples hoping the pain would leave me alone.

"Eat this food. The painkillers are on the shelf beside the bed. Take the painkillers only after you've eaten, if not you'll have more problems than just a throbbing headache." He ordered.

I scoffed at him and rolled my eyes. That was painful. "Yes boss."

"I'd be back later. I need to sort out some things."

"When will you be back? You know I need to be in the hostel by evening."

"By seven o'clock, I should be back or you could order Uber to take you back if you feel I'm running late." He pecked my cheek.

I smiled. I would never stop loving the way his lips felt against my skin. "I'll wait for you. Take care of yourself and be back early."

"Okay sweetie." He took his jacket, keys, phone and left the house.

I ate the food hurriedly, took the pills and moments later I was off to dream world. When I woke up, I felt better. I went to the sitting room, no one was there. I called out to Miriam and Umar, they weren't in either. I was home alone.

Where did they all go? I wondered.

Time flew very fast and it was getting late. I called Vincent trying to figure out where he was, he didn't answer. So I went into the room and was arranging the clothes we bought into his wardrobe since we would be going out from his house.

"What are you doing?" I jumped in fright at the sound of his voice.

I shrieked. "You scared me. How can you sneak up on me like that? You know I'm the only one here." I replied, my heart still pounding.

He laughed. "Sorry. But seriously, what are you doing? Are you stealing some of my clothes?" He jeered.

I scoffed. "You wish. What's there to steal?" When infact there was a lot to steal. Like that black hoodie that had been calling my name since I saw it or that blue joggers that looked like it would fit me perfectly.

"I stopped by at the supermarket on my way back and bought some things for you." He said as brought out the red paper bag from behind him. My eyes lit up immediately at the size of the bag.

Aww, so nice.

I know right?

He brought out a white medium sized teddy bear. I yanked it from him and let out a broad smile.

"It's so cute. His name would be...." I stroked my chin. "Vincent!" I squeaked. "Thank you beau. I love it." I walked closer to him, pulled him into a bear hug and kissed him.

"Aww. I'm glad you love it." I continued smiling, each smile wider than the last as I went through the rest of the stuff he bought forgetting what I was doing before he came in.

"Where's Umar and Miriam?" I asked curiously. I just remembered they weren't around.

"They went to Umar's parents house." He informed me as he took off his shirt and flung himself onto the bed. He sighed wearily.

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