《67》Just For You.

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The dark clouds that loomed over everyone's head were dissipated by bright ones. It was Saturday, our wedding day, so yeah, it was a day of sunshine. It was a bright sunny Saturday filled with joy, love and happiness. I was elated, Vincent was ecstatic, my mum and James were also happy. My stars finally aligned for good.

I was in Vincent's house getting dressed in my sheer sparkly V-neck dress with pearls beaded tulle ball gown wedding dress. My hair and makeup was already done because it was almost time to leave for church.

I had worn my dress and was seated in front of the mirror admiring my reflection and smiling to myself when Vincent walked in. Apparently he couldn't wait to see me.


I gasped and then shrieked. "What are you doing here? Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding."

"Says who?" He continued walking towards me.

"Me! Don't come any closer." I exclaimed.

"Well, I don't care about that." He got to me and we kissed.

To hell with bad luck. There was nothing like that. It was all superstition.

"You have lipstick on your lips." I chuckled.

He huffed out a breath before he spoke. "I don't care about the lipstick. You look so beautiful. I'm so lucky to have met you. I'm so happy to have known you even though the circumstances in which we met weren't normal. I'm happy I fell in love with you and most of all, I'm glad that I'm getting married to you today because I know that I'm making the right decision. I love you, future wife."

I blushed. "You look even more handsome. Knowing you, loving you and getting married to you are the best decisions I ever made in my entire life. I love you so much." I kissed him again.

"This suit makes me feel too responsible." He chuckled.

"It's good to feel responsible once in a while." I laughed.

"What does that mean? Am I not responsible?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"You are....not." I winked at him, he frowned. "Are you nervous?" I asked because his hands were cold when I touched them.

"A little. What about you?"

"I wasn't until you said you were!" I exclaimed hysterically.

He caressed my neck. "Don't worry, we would be fine."

"If you're having second doubts, we can postpone the wedding." I inwardly cringed at the possibility of that happening.

"No, no, I'm fine. In fact, I'm too sure and I can't wait to get married to you. I can't wait to wake up to see your beautiful face beside me everyday. I also can't wait to spend my forever with you." By this time, my blush was a deeper shade of pink and my smile was reaching my ears.

"I love you baby and I really can't wait to hear you moan my name tonight." I said with a wide grin.

He widened his eyes and coughed. "What?"

"Sorry. Just saying my mind." I shrugged. We both burst into laughter, hugged, kissed and hugged again. We stayed that way for a while till his phone rang. It was his best man calling to let him know it was time to leave for church.

"I love you and get your mind prepared to have the best time of your life from tonight."

"I can't wait. Love you too and happy married life to us." He grinned, we kissed and released ourselves from the hug and he left in his car.

James and my mum arrived in my car few minutes later. That's right, you read correctly. I bought my own car with my money or with the money I got from my inheritance. Before you ask, Vincent taught me how to drive it. James drove us to the church.

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