《34》Got the job.

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I sat down at the furthermost corner of the restaurant with the letter still in my clammy hands. My stomach churned as frightening thoughts raced through my mind. I looked at the seal and made up my mind to leave because it was better to break down and cry at home privately than in front of the five hundred thousand population of Lagos.

"Hi, can I sit with you?" A familiar masculine voice asked. I didn't look up, I quickly held on to my knife and answered fast.

"Sure, no problem."

Of all the tables in the restaurant, you chose mine that was in a corner. Okay. I rolled my eyes inwardly.

"Thanks." He replied.

I looked at the letter once more. Curiosity got the better part of me. I tore open the envelope. My throat became parched, I swallowed hard. I was about to bring out the letter when...

"Janette." The guy seated across me spoke. I clenched the knife and almost brought it out when I decided to look up first.

"What? How did you... Oh my God, Alex!!" I squealed and all eyes in the restaurant turned to look at me. I nearly jumped over the table to hug him. I quickly flew out of my seat and went over to embrace him.

"How are you? Long time no see." He hugged me tightly.

"I know. I have missed you so much." Tears welled up in my eyes as I said it. I immediately pulled away from the hug because of the millions of eyes on us and went back to my seat while he sat down.

"Wow, this is a nice surprise. I've missed you too. If anyone ever told me I would set my eyes on you after all these years, I would've given the person a resounding slap." He then called the waiter to order his food. "Do you want anything? Bills on me."

I laughed. "I'm good, thanks. I'm really surprised to see you too. How have you been?"

"I've been okay. What are you doing in this part of Lagos?"

"I came for an interview on Monday and was asked to come for a letter today." I sighed.

"Really? Where?" He raised his enquiring brows.

"At Fountain bank across the street."

His eyes widened. "Bank? What? What are you doing in a bank?" He queried. The waiter arrived with his food so he kept quiet and waited for her to leave.

"It's a very long story." I summarised as soon as she was gone.

He took a bite out of his food. "Hmph! What's that in your hand?" He pointed at the letter.

I smiled weakly. "This here is the letter that determines if I got the job or not."

"Then open it." He said with a wide grin.


Alex had really changed; he was no longer the skinny Alex I used to know. He was muscular, taller and even his voice had become deeper too. It was as if he had another growth spurt. He had really changed and he was now more good looking too. I hope I'm not falling for him again?

Did I forget to mention that I used to like Alex? Well, I guess I did.

Even though we were best friends then, I had this huge crush on him but he didn't feel the same way, he only saw me as a friend or best friend. I always hoped his feelings would one day take a turn and develop into love and then he would ask me out.

But it never did, there was a particular day the conversation went towards that area, Alex just said he couldn't date someone like me and we were better off as friends. What a way to friend zone someone. What he said really hurt my feelings but I never showed it. I guess we were better off as friends.

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