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We arrived at the club twenty minutes after twelve am. There wasn't traffic but it was a far distance as we were moving from the mainland to the island. We were asked for our IDs at the entryway which we showed to the bouncer and he let us in.

Once we were inside, I thought my fantasy of all eyes being on me would happen.

Oh boy. I was totally wrong!

Nobody glanced at me, the lights were dimmed I guessed that was why.

Or maybe nobody cares.

Ssh. They didn't see me.

"What do you want to drink?" Vincent asked me.

"Anything you're having." I answered without thinking.

"Hmmm, are you sure about that? You don't look like an experienced drinker." He remarked.

"Just bring whatever you're having. I'll show you who's da boss." I grinned. Up till now, I had never tasted alcohol in my life and yet I was bragging.

"Okay ma. What about you Miriam?"

"Don't worry, I'll go with you. I know what she wants." Umar chirped in.

She snapped at him. "Allow me speak for myself. I'll take Trophy."

"I knew that's exactly what you'd take." Umar teased her. They went to buy the drinks while we stayed behind. They returned a while later with two of every drinks.

Who was going to take two bottles?

I couldn't even finish one bottle as that was my first time drinking.

After one bottle, I felt the urge to take more and so I finished the second bottle and started looking for more.

I thought it was your first time.

I thought I had a natural hatred for alcohol but that day, alcohol tasted sweeter than honey to me. I kept on drinking till I had consumed almost four bottles forgetting I was light headed but I didn't care.

The new Janette didn't care. She was a bad girl.

I was so drunk. I couldn't sit up straight neither could I walk without faltering. After drinking myself to stupor, I needed to use the bathroom. 

I stood up and managed to take up to ten steps before I fell face down on the floor.

Ouch! I mumbled to myself and was still trying to pick myself up when a guy walked over to me.

"Need a hand?" He asked. I didn't recognise his voice so I refused.

"Mmm, no. I'm fine. Thanks." I refused.

"Uh, I don't think so. You look wasted."

Mr stating the obvious.

"I said I'm fine. Who the heck do you think you are to tell me how I look?" By this time I had managed to pick myself up but the guy kept on following me. "I said leave me alone." I hollered.

"I can't leave you alone, you wouldn't make it to wherever you're going to in this state." He grabbed my arm hurting me in the process with his claws for fingernails.

"Mister whoever you are. Leave me alone or I would disfigure your face for you." I shouted as the person increased his grip on my arm. "Leave me alone!" I screamed again very loudly.

"Hey Mister. She said leave her alone." Just as the guy turned to see who it was, his face was slammed into with a massive blow. I was so glad, apparently Vincent had seen the guy harassing me and had walked up to us.

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