Chapter 12

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In Tutum Est

A Safe Place

- I am so disappointed in you, Jungkook. -

Jungkook flinched. It wasn't often that his father said those words, so when he did, they stung worse than ever. Given the fact that he had previously worked very hard for him to say that he was proud, now...

- Not even two days and you're already picking fights with people. Your Mother and I were in denial, telling ourselves that the problem was the school, that the problem was those other children, but this... - He turned around, and Jungkook was looking down at the desk. - This only proves that the problem was you all along, son. Tom, -

- Y-yes, Sir. - He stammered.

- Who threw the first punch? -

- Umm... Jungkook, Sir. -

Jungkook, of course. - He sighed. - Did you do something to make him upset? -

- Yes, I think I made fun of him, Sir. -

- You think? -

- Well, I--

- You just made a little joke that was of bad taste and he flung himself at you? -

- Something like that. I–

His father slammed a hand down on his desk making them all jump. Jungkook nearly fell to his knees at the muscle memory that cursed thru his body.

- Jungkook, I know you're the most violent of my children and I haven't said too much about it but I will not tolerate this behavior in my University. If you put one foot out of line, if I find that you have been getting into fights inside this University... Well, you don't want me to finish, do you? - Jungkook shook his head hastily. His father rounded the desk and walked closer to him until he was right in front of him. - I only want to give the best to you, Jungkook. - His voice got softer. - You are my youngest son. My son. - Jungkook nodded to the floor. - I only want to give the best to you, but for that to happen, you have to give me the best of you, and this is not it, Jungkook. This is the worst part of you. You understand, right? - Jungkook nodded again. Then his father went back behind his desk. - I will let you go from this office with a warning and I want a promise from both of you stating that you won't get in trouble again. Understood? -

Jungkook remained silent for a moment, so Tom answered first.

- ...Yes, Sir. I promise you I won't get in any trouble again. -

Jungkook tried to speak once, but nothing came out. He cleared his throat and tried again.

- Yes... Sir... I–... I'll try. - That was all he promised. But that had sufficed as his father sat down on his chair again.

- Professor Taehyung, you did well. Keep an eye on my son for me, will you? -

- Yes, Sir. I will. - Taehyung said in a determined voice while he straightened his suit jacket.- Perfect. You can leave now. All of you. -

Jungkook was the first to turn around but Taehyung was the first to open the door for them. Tom and Taehyung went straight to the elevators, but Jungkook took a fast pace to the stairs that were visible at the end of the corridor on his left.

He felt cold, humiliated, and attacked both physically and mentally, his face was in pain, his lip had stopped bleeding but it hurt to move his mouth, his stomach was screaming at him in hunger and pain for the blow it received, and his head was pounding and his eyes couldn't produce more tears. He felt miserable, he thought he could start a new life and the only thing he got was a worse version of the old one.

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