Chapter 18

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Minutes went by and Jungkook was still lying limp on the floor with a bulge. He laughed at himself and then tried to get his mind moving, he still had to go to lunch. He started thinking of ways to get rid of this boner without the relief and came up with this: If erections happen because blood concentrates in that particular place, he'll just have to keep the blood pumping elsewhere.

He rolled over on the floor and started to do push-ups. He was in his second one when he noticed the book Taehyung had been reading, right where he left it. He smiled with endearment and kept going. This was the second time he forgot to place the book back where it should go.

Thinking that calming down would be quicker if he stopped thinking about Taehyung, he focused instead on the University.

Classes had been good so far, he had met four teachers: Professor Taehyung, Professor Benjamin (the class where he meet Garret), Professor Mcmillan (that first class he had today that started at seven o'clock sharp), and Professor Hofman (from Love and Sex). He should have met eight teachers but he had been absent from three classes so far and the other one he didn't know about was that class he had on Monday after he had jumped out of Taehyung's classroom window. He had been more concerned about his thoughts than the class itself.

After a good thirty pushups, he stopped and kneeled on the floor. He felt better, more alert than before, and his pants were less tight so it must've worked. His previous train of thought came back to him and he sat there, looking at the floor. He had missed four classes, and they might not be important for the grade or "real classes" as Leo had said but it was still his first week and he was missing classes and hiding in corners.

The strange thing was that he wasn't complaining, he didn't care that it was happening, it felt strange how little he cared about something that had been a goal of his for four years. Since he was sixteen, all his good work was to get to this University. Admittedly, it wasn't because of the classes or the teachers or the opportunities it gave once he graduated, but it had been a goal of his. He chuckled to himself as he remembered the sole reason why he wanted to study here.

It was because it was beautiful. It had been preserved for hundreds of years, it had a massive history, and all the buildings were widely spread but still connected in a very precise way for a spiritual or smart reason. Everything was kept beautifully clean or organized including the hundreds of different gardens and statues of all the important students that made a good change in the world thanks to Evanthe's teaching or a person that was important to Evanthe like the twelve founders or their wives, and some of their children.

Its history and art were what seemed beautiful to him. He doesn't even have a concrete idea of what he will do once he graduates.

The thing about his love for philosophy is that it teaches him about the world he lived in a deeper way than the factual. He felt grateful to philosophy for teaching him logic and history, but he didn't feel passionate about it. He liked the feeling of superiority that knowledge gave him in important situations and find arguments with other learned people to be an art he hadn't been able to experience fully. But to do that for the rest of his life? It had been either choosing an academic path and confusing his family or choosing an artistic one and having their expectations breathing down his neck. He chose the path that benefited him in the short term because he couldn't see anything further than that.

He came here to experience beauty daily, that's why he wasn't anxious about missing classes. He was experiencing the beauty of a free life with Taehyung.

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