Chapter 21

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¿The truth?

As the elevator brought him back down from heaven to the first floor of the Professor's living area, he had his head against the wall of it, looking at the floor with an unreadable expression with his hands in his pockets. For anyone who was looking through the elevator's vigilance camera, he would just look bored and tired. Which was exactly what he wanted of course.

On the inside, however: ...snowflakes were gently falling to the ground; flower petals were flowing with the soft breeze; the steam of a hot drink was flowing in spirals from a mug; little fire flecks were detaching from a bonfire into the night; rays of sun were getting in thru the leaves; a brand new book was being started...

He felt so...

He couldn't even put a name to it. It was beautiful, lovely, and, oh, so happy. He felt safe in more ways than the physical or the emotional. He felt free, yes, he felt free, and loved, immensely loved like he's never been before.

The doors of the elevator opened and, right where his eyes were looking at the floor, he could see leather black shoes, polished and expensive, but he didn't even try to glance up at the man who wore them before passing by him towards the exit still, looking fixedly at the shiny marble floor.

But then the man spoke.

- What are you doing here so late? - The firm and low voice of the man chilled him to the bone, and, abruptly he was brought back to reality; cold and lonely reality.

He turned around, trying to keep his expression at bay, and noticed the professor was Alexander Evans... oh no... Jungkook swallowed, keeping his head just enough to act.

- I was... talking to a Professor. - His voice wasn't calm enough to be nonchalant but he couldn't relax with those blue eyes staring at him. As it once had been usual, he couldn't tell what the man was thinking. And, when the hand holding his briefcase tightened, Jungkook swallowed, his heart hammering in his chest.

- Which Professor. - It sounded more like a demand than a question as his lips turned down by the corners and his chin lifted slightly, scrutinizing Jungkook while his cold eyes looked him up and down.


NO. He was Taehyung's and he didn't know this man, he was Taehyung's and he didn't know this man.

This was just a professor, he didn't know this professor, this professor asked him with whom he had been, and he was supposed to be the troubling son of the headmaster. He had to be insolent.

- Why do you need to know? -

Evans' features hardened worse than his father's did when he was getting mad. And Jungkook thought of Taehyung, and how, even if he screamed, he wouldn't be able to hear.

He wanted to run, to hide...

- You'll show your superiors some respect when you talk to them. -

A chill went down Jungkook's spine, he felt in imminent danger and he hated this claustrophobic feeling. But he was playing a role.

Jungkook lifted his chin defiantly and with all the strength he could master, he spoke without his voice trembling.

- Fine, tell me when they're near, will you? - A moment of dead silence passed between them. And then Evans took a step forward. - Well, I'm leaving. As you said, it is late. -

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