Chapter 61

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Darkness raged around the perimeters of Evanthe.

This lowly servant was once again simply trying to do his job; to comply with his mistress' commands and suffocate every type of light in his tight embrace and thus free this wretched world from any hope. But something wasn't letting him.

Without a body and as only a conscience floating in the wind, he rushed as fast as he could towards his mistress' prison.

These... disgusting maggots. They are responsible for his fury just like they were responsible for his making. If he had a mouth, he would be spitting on the ground at their feet. These two abhorring creatures have taken nothing but pain and suffering thru millennia and still, their souls haven't given up. How infuriating.

He, Darkness, was made to give an end to this absurd light and tear apart the remnants of Heaven on earth so his mistress could rule over what was rightfully hers.

But those

Once Darkness arrived at the surface of the deepest ocean, he entered the waters without making a single wave and moved down through the beautifully cold darkness around. There was a hole in the ground at the bottom of the ocean, covered by a wall of fish that never stopped swimming, and that's where he kept moving down, down, down.

Right at the bottom of this deepest hole in the deepest ocean, the ground was not ground but a surface, much like the one where he came in from. This was his mistress' prison; for millions of years, she had been forced to exist in this hole made by Ishtar, the Queen of Heaven. This prison was one of those remnants of Heaven on earth that he wishes he could burn to smithereens but can't. Not without enough power.

He moved out thru the surface and floated thru the cave made of white rock over to her sitting body on the large, white rock. She was meditating, just like always; wearing her imprisonment, white dress, just like always. He floated towards her and entered her mind to communicate through her own thoughts.

He told her "The mortal made his soul untouchable".

And she opened her eyes.

Monday 16th of September, 6:00 AM Jungkook's room in Evanthe.

Jungkook heard the alarm go off on Jimin's nightstand, but he didn't move, not even when he heard the unmistakable groan from Tom as he reached out and turned it off; he simply stayed laying under his bed covers.

He knew it was particularly cold today because he could feel it even through the layers of blankets engulfing him entirely, and he didn't want to face what would come with it.

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