Chapter 26

264 19 39

Somnium & Rem

Dream & Reality

There was a man much like the last one, a stranger in a suit and tie reading a newspaper from the stack beside the glass doors to the library, looking too stiff for him to be casually reading without paying attention to his surroundings.

Jungkook walked with strong strides and an annoyed expression to classroom C-123, passing beside the man and paying close attention to everything that his senses could pick up without appearing to do so. The vigilance camera looked the same as always and Jungkook was sure that it was illegal to record audio so that could be why they sent a man to listen. If it was only the vigilance camera he could do as he's done other times and enter the classroom closing the door behind him. But this guy was here. Jungkook wasn't sure if he was sent, paying attention, or casually being too tense, but just in case he was there strategically it could mean that these men aren't following Jungkook, they were following Taehyung, so Jungkook had to put on a good show that would enhance Taehyung greatly.

He got to C-123 and the door was already open so he just leaned against the frame. The classroom was deserted but for one breathtaking Greek God who was seated on the teacher's table reading some papers, patiently waiting for his love.

He was the bad guy, Taehyung the hero, and that man over there the audience. Action.

- I'm here. - He said, bored, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest, and Taehyung looked up with a breathtaking smile. - What did you call me for? - Jungkook said annoyed, seeming like he was averting his eyes from his confused man but really looking outside the door to a specific point. If he looked like he was staring at something Taehyung couldn't see, then he would get the hint that there was something there. Even if Jungkook wasn't looking at the man, the same message could be delivered. And it was.

- I said I didn't like your attitude, didn't I? - Taehyung said loudly and briskly and then started to organize his papers on his desk. Perfect, he got the hint.

- And what's that got to do with me? It's your problem if you don't like it. Also, what's it to you anyway? I mean, you know I'm not going to hear anything you got to say so why do you even bother? - Jungkook finished exasperated. And Taehyung chuckled silently while he took his briefcase and put his papers inside. Then he started walking towards Jungkook.

- My father always used to tell me how only good things come out of hard work. My mother, how every bead of sweat turns into gold. My wife, how diamonds are made by putting them through the strongest of pressure. So tell me, after hearing which kind of people I surround myself with, do you think I'll stop before I succeed? - He stopped in front of him, chin held high, one eyebrow raised cockily and his eyes cold, but surprisingly, so surprisingly that Jungkook was frozen, his eyes had a glint in them. - To my office, now. -

Jungkook pursed his lips and looked to the floor while grudgingly leaning away from the door so Taehyung could close it.

That had been true, what Taehyung had said, it was obvious in his eyes that that was one of the reasons he was so sure of their future. Because he wouldn't stop until he succeeded. His own parents were like that as well, but Taehyung was so different in the way he wanted to succeed because of the way he had been raised. His parents were raised in the city, in the heart of society, they wanted to succeed in society, to be on the highest pedestal where only a few were able to get to. They wanted to succeed for greed. Taehyung had been raised in freedom, still with the obvious limitations of society but free nevertheless, so he wanted to succeed by going back to it. He wanted to succeed for liberation.

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