Chapter 58

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First, there's the seed. Once it falls into rich soil, it starts growing. By consuming the nutrients from the ground and drinking its water, it follows the light of the sun and stretches outwards; growing upwards. And, finally, flowering at the eyes of the sky, all thanks to it being tended to, every day.

That's love.

Love is the seed and the heart is the ground it is planted in. If the ground is rich with beautiful nutrients, if the heart is made with nothing but goodness, that will depend on the flower's growth. And it must be watered every single day for it to grow; first downwards, taking root, and then... up.

As Jungkook laid on Taehyung's bed, naked in all his glory, looking up at all that his lover was, it was like the rays of a gently warm sun were caressing the petals of this newly bloomed flower of love.

There was nothing else here but him.

He couldn't think of the Darkness for his light hovered over him right between his open legs. He couldn't hear the lightning nor the rain, only his lover's heartbeat which reverberated against his own chest. His own breathing became a mild thought in the back of his mind as he felt his right against his neck. And his own hands touched him eagerly, passionately, as if he was touching him for the first time and didn't want to stop.

After Taehyung's beautiful statement and spoken thankfulness, the pair had been able to do nothing more than use their lips to kiss each other as if in a slow frenzy. But that had to stop now that Jungkook's blood had reached its boiling point.

He wanted him now.

- Tae... - He heaved once the latter had let go of his lips to kiss his neck again. Taehyung hummed and rested his lips right in the middle of his neck, giving a long and soft kiss before finally letting go.

Taehyung looked down at him and gave him half a grin before finally sitting up and sliding off the bed to go to the nightstand. All the while, Jungkook couldn't help but look up at the tall ceiling and try to suppress a huge smile.

He was so excited, so happy, so nervous, so curious, and too aroused to be able to think properly. But he wasn't scared or shy about what they were going to do, and that was the most wonderful thing.

Taehyung returned with the little box at hand, sliding right back in between his legs and getting even closer, making sure Jungkook's under-thighs rested on top of his folded legs as he knelt there. Jungkook looked up at him, biting his lip inside his mouth and nearly grinning. But he saw something in the way Taehyung was looking at that box as he tried to take off the seal: He was nervous.

The wine had worn off completely and that had been the only thing he believed would assure a perfect performance on his part. Taehyung was feeling insecure about his own abilities to make sure his actions will be completely flawless.

Jungkook folded his ankles behind him and used that to pull himself into a sitting position. Once there, he took Taehyung's hands on his own and waited a second. After three had passed, Taehyung finally looked up at him. And before Jungkook could say anything, he was already defending himself.

- I'm not having second thoughts, I promise. I just- I can't see right where the seal is because it's dark, just--

- Tae. - Jungkook reached up a hand and held his face gently, smiling softly up at him. The latter saw this and took a deep breath, sighing deeply. - There's only you and me, and you don't have to prove anything to me. I know that you love me, and I know that you know I love you, so what's there to be frightened of? -

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