Chapter 73

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(Part 1)

What a world to live in; where the sick slip through the cracks and the healthy get thrown into mental hospitals.

But, can there be anyone sane if the ones that taught them were crazy?

If a teacher with no remorse gets hold of a child, what will happen to the child when they're older? Will they turn into another teacher like the one they had? Or will they develop their own unhealthy way of coping with the pain of memory?

But why would that teacher exist in the first place? Why would anyone enjoy someone else's pain? The pain of suffering, confusion, anguish, and fear. Why would their blood boil at the sight of someone cowering away? Terrified, shaking in a corner with their eyes wide, looking straight at the monster in front of them. Why would anyone like to be a monster?

For power. That's the mortal answer. Controlling someone else is the ultimate challenge. Power... the most terrifying drug someone near you could crave.

The most inhuman thing is not to kill someone else, but to have no remorse about the thought of doing it beforehand. To have no empathy, no emotion, that's the mark of a true monster. Self-centered and vane, the monster sees itself as God playing with people like dolls.

And the most terrifying aspect of a monster is not their lack of humanity, but how seamless they fit in a crowd.


These chapters contain topics, language, and detailed descriptions of a sensitive nature.

Rewind two hours:

4:40 pm

The officer left. What Evans needed was ready. And he pulled his chair from his desk to place it beside the bed. Sighing in earnest, he sat down.

Tick... Tock...

The subtle sound in the apartment enveloped him. Whether it be the sound of a clock or the strings of a gentle violin, even the sound of a pen on paper, it was all calming to him.

Yes, soft, gentle, constant sounds calm his body.

But the need for something loud was always there; something that will make him want to seek silence. Excitement flared at specific loud noises and then eased when a soft one would take its place. Balance was always like that; two sides of the same coin. He needs that balance, to feel whole, to feel at peace. Two sides of the same coin to be in balance every day.

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