Chapter 48

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The moment Jungkoook passed the final line of trees and came into view of the clearing, his eyes locked immediately on that white pavilion. They had never passed the line of the creek to be in it.

Would they be allowed to do so if there was a spirit guarding this place? Was a different guy supposed to be the one in this secret place instead of them?

- Kook? -

Jungkook jolted a bit and turned to look. But it was Taehyung.

- Oh, sorry, I was just... - He looked at the latter, then back at the pavilion, and smiled. Trying to get his mind rid of it all as he turned back to his Love and walked into his arms, he sighed greatly. Feeling him, hugging him, and swaying a little from side to side as if they were slow dancing in the dark was his own definition of magic.

- What took you so long, my Love? - Taehyung asked gently with his lips against his ear and his arms around his waist. Jungkook immediately felt boneless as tingles flowed down his body.

- I met Garrett on the way. - He shrugged.

Slowly, their movement halted. Jungkook blinked and leaned back to look him in the eyes.

Taehyung was frowning, looking unseeingly somewhere behind him.

- What is it? - Jungkook asked softly.

- he... here? In the woods? Right now? - Taehyung looked back down at him and Jungkook saw there was something that confused him. Because there wasn't only worry in his eyes.

- Yes. But he was heading that way. - Jungkook pointed in the direction behind Taehyung.

- Did you talk to him? -

- ...not exactly. No. - Taehyung tilted his head in question, but Jungkook just shook his own. - I'll tell you another time. -

However, right when he saw Taehyung looking off with a frown, he remembered the first time Taehyung had seen Garrett. He had looked him heavily up and down and looked at his tattoos with something close to disgust. So Jungkook took a hold of his face and gently made him look down at him to ask.

- Do you have anything against Garrett? Why do I get the feeling that you don't like him? -

Taehyung thought for a moment or two, grabbing Jungkook's hand and turning his head to kiss his palm before pressing it against his cheek once more. Then, he sighed with his eyes closed.

- I just... don't like him somehow. -

Jungkook caressed his cheek with his thumb and asked again.

- What is it that you don't like about him? -

Because, even with what just happened a moment ago, he still believed that Garrett was more of a sweet puppy than anything. He stutters and asks a lot, his puppy eyes sparkle, and, yes, he looks very strong, but at the same time incredibly gentle. The only things that make him seem tough are his muscles, his tattoos, and the fact that he wears black most of all, but that's just his looks.

Taehyung thought for a moment, his eyes looking unseeingly down at Jungkook's shoulder. It even looked like he was remembering something unpleasant with the way he grimaced and then said,

- His... tattoos. I don't like them. -

- His tattoos. - Jungkook said, incredulously. - You don't like his tattoos. - He never thought Taehyung could ever be that type of person who would judge people because they had tattoos, but here he was, nodding. - Do you not like tattoos in general? Or just--

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