Chapter 13

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Oportere et Non Oportere

Should & Shouldn't

Jungkook looked at Taehyung until the last second. Then, when he closed the apartment door behind him, he fell on the couch with a wide smile on his face, or as wide as he could without his cut lip hurting him.

So much had happened today, but he only wanted to think about the present. The present was beautiful. He was lying on Taehyung's couch, in his apartment, after he had taken care of his wounds, and now he was out getting food. They're going to be together for the rest of the day.

Jungkook had to squish his cheeks so his lips would pucker and that way his wound wouldn't hurt because the wide smile he couldn't control was not helping.

He stared at the ceiling with... happiness. He was happy thanks to Taehyung, so happy to have him. When he was acting cold and distant he felt like it was the end, and then Taehyung resurfaced, he had been so worried for him and his feelings that he let himself be himself again, that was the only thing he wanted, Taehyung to be himself with him. He felt so cared for, he felt warm and loved, he felt just what he had been longing to feel since he was little. Taehyung was giving him what his parents never did.

He sat up on the couch by instinct, he didn't want to think about anything regarding sadness at the moment, but by moving so rapidly, he felt a sudden and intense pain in his stomach that had nothing to do with hunger. Looking down at his stomach, he remembered how Tom had punched him and lifted his shirt to see how it was. Right now, there was only an angry red in the middle of his upper abs, but it'll turn purple in about two days, just like his face. He'll have to put ice on that fast if he doesn't want it to look even worse.

He looked up to the coffee table and saw the frozen bag of gel Taehyung had left there, it was sweating and getting the table wet. He took it, shaking some droplets of water on the table, and then put it over his stomach. The coffee table will get stained if he doesn't dry that water soon. Jungkook stood from the couch, holding the bag to his stomach, and walked to the kitchen to see if there was a rag somewhere. At first sight, there was none, so he started to open drawers and cabinets. He was shocked at how empty everything was, just one pan, one plate, one cup, and one cabinet filled with silver cutlery.

He opened the fridge and it was also empty but for a bag of coffee. He opened the refrigerator and saw a bag of ice and a bag of frozen veggies. He took the frozen veggies to put on his face and closed the refrigerator again, shaking his head. Taehyung deserved to have the best in the world, and here he was with his fridge empty, couldn't some worker buy this stuff for him? Did he have to buy everything from scratch? What if he was busy?

Jungkook was going to the other side of the room to where the bathroom was to take a towel and stopped again, looking at the boxes. They were all named with letters, one with an S, one with a BD, four with a C, and ten with a B.

Ten with a B? What could that be that there are so many of them? Curiosity was one of Jungkook's characteristics that despite all the bad experiences it had caused him, he had yet to learn how to be cautious with it. Despite the nerves it caused him to even think about going there and opening one of those boxes, his feet started to move to the nearest box with the letter B and his brain was already speculating what that letter could mean.

He kneeled beside the box and put the two cold packs on the floor beside him. He grabbed the nearest box wanting to shake and see, but he couldn't lift it, so he decided that there must be books inside. With a somewhat triumphant smile, he stood, took his cold packs, and kept walking to the bathroom.

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