Chapter 35

214 15 27

Sicut et Tibi

Just Me and You

It was just the idea of having her so near the two of them that scared Jungkook most. But he stood up, continuing his work silently while he heard intently.

- Alright, thank you. Are they there?...[...]... Couldn't I just talk to them right now?...[...]... Oh, come on, they can take a break, stretch their legs... For how long have they been studying?...[...]... I think that's enough then, let me talk to them...[...]... Fine. Then let's make it Saturdays, in the morning–...[...]... I'm free the whole morning, just call whenever they want...[...]... Oh, no, you're not making them study on weekends, we had that clear already[...] No. [...] No, Daphne, just because I'm not there anymore doesn't mean you can change the rules. Weekends are for leisure time and that's it, they can sleep however late they want, eat whatever they want, and do whatever they want, and that's not going to change. [...] I couldn't care less. [...] No, I'm sorry but that's the truth, you're taking advantage of my absence and I don't like that. The weekend's rule stays the same and you'll call me tomorrow morning, at whatever time they want, to talk to me. On weekdays-- Wait, wait, on weekdays they'll study just as hard as they've always done, just like you want, alright? Nothing's changing, they're still happy and keeping up with their studies and we're both fine, can we agree on that? ...[...]... Thank you. Now...can I just say a quick hello? Please. [...] Ok, I'll wait. -

The audible smile on Taehyung's tone made Jungkook turn around and look at him having finished placing the last of the books. He had more than five hundred.

Taehyung was leaning against the kitchen counter, his back to the living room, arms crossed over his chest, and an anxious or excited little tick on his foot while he held his phone to his ear. Jungkook walked closer, silently, until Taehyung turned his head to look at him. He smiled softly, letting go of his bottom lip, and extended a hand for him to take.

Jungkook did. Then, the hand pulled him in until he was right against his chest. With one hand, he was still holding the phone while, with the other, he held Jungkook tight to him by the small of his back.

Jungkook hugged him back, realizing that Taehyung needed it, resting his temple on his shoulder and being close enough to hear what was happening on the other side of the line.

...Hello? - A girl's voice. Audrey.

- Hello princess. - Taehyung was smiling brightly now, Jungkook could hear it, and it made him smile. He even chuckled with Taehyung when they heard her screaming.

Daddy! - Jungkook felt like his heart might explode as he felt Taehyung's heartbeat rising with happiness. - Daddy-- Oh, no, no, wait--

- Dad! - A boy's voice. Edward.

- Hello Eddie. - Yes, Taehyung was positively euphoric just by hearing their voices.

Dad, dad, I finished the book you gave me, you must come back to give me another. -

And we're running low on vitamin M, daddy, you must come back. -

Vitamin M? - Jungkook whispered, bewildered. Taehyung was chuckling.

- "Mangos". - He whispered back to Jungkook and then talked on the phone again. - Come on, you both know I'll be back for the holidays, right? -

But my fruit! -

The books! -

- Hey, we talked about this. - Taehyung said softly with an endearing smile. - Eddy, we both did the math and I left you just the right amount of books until I came back. If you read them thinking I'll come back quicker that way, you'll be left without any more books to pass your time while you wait for me. Now, Audrey, we also talked about the fruits. -

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