Chapter 15

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Ne Temporales

Not Short-Lived

When Jungkook walked out of the apartment, he was dazzled by the light of the corridor. Closing the door, he rested his back on it until he was accustomed to the light. For a moment, he was confused as to where he was or where to go, but then he saw the elevator some paces away in front of him and he remembered. He grinned stupidly and tried to cover his mouth with a hand. He thought of covering his mouth with the neck of his shirt as he did before, but then remembered that if he lifted his shirt, he would uncover something else.

The elevator opened when he pressed the down button and he walked in, standing in the same corner as before. Once on the first floor, he walked out but stopped a second later.

The door to the pressors' work room was still open, and there he could hear more people than before. He saw a man passing in front of the open door and a chill ran down his spine as he remembered who could still be in there.

Carefully, he ran to the black glass doors, pulled one open, and ran into the corridor. Once again, he stopped, but, this time, it was to catch his breath so the few students in the distance wouldn't look at him. Continuing on his way, he felt the cold air hitting his hot skin, felt it raising goosebumps on his arms, and watched how the university hall looked when the chandeliers were on. It was beautiful in a dark and almost gothic way.

Jungkook tried hard to focus on the sights but he knew he failed when he felt a mad urge to laugh.

He didn't hate his father, he was unable to, but he couldn't deny himself the satisfaction of fantasizing about telling him just how good an eye Taehyung was keeping on him.

Truthfully, he never expected, envisioned, or even thought about what would've happened if he went to Taehyung's apartment tonight. It had all been spontaneous and crazy, fun and exciting, Jungkook couldn't remember the last time he ever had so much fun with someone else while doing something harmless and carefree. That's why he doesn't want to listen to the warnings in his head, at least not for tonight.

Getting to a lonely corridor, he allowed himself to smile down at the floor. He was so happy that he could've wept with joy.

He was able to feel pleasure. He was desired by someone he felt attracted towards. He was able to have a relationship. And for someone who thought they would die alone and strange, knowing he could enjoy what other people around him were enjoying didn't make him feel like an Alien anymore.

Once he was out and the cold air hit him, he noticed all the chandeliers lit and some students passing, but very few. He walked with his hands in his pockets and his head down, looking like he was walking absentmindedly and just for the sake of taking a walk, concealing his grin as much as he could.

He felt different somehow. Aside from the sensitive area rubbing at the inside of his jeans with every step he took, he felt different in the sense of maturity. He felt older in a good sense. He even desired. He had felt powerful when he was on top of Taehyung making him moan

Jungkook had to stop walking for a second and lean on a wall to take a breather, slightly regretting not cumming on Taehyung's apartment when he had the chance because now he had to walk to his room, which was kind of far, with an erection, and his jeans rubbed on it with every step he took. This was torture on a whole other level. He had to cover his mouth, he was grinning like a psychopath, and he had to be one as he liked how painful it felt to be this hard.

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