Chapter 6

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Et Flos Villam

The Flower Farm

The class went on with the Course Requirements, explaining exams, the percentage of each work, and the subjects of the essays. The grading will depend on how the Professor saw the work and on whether or not it was clear that the student understood the readings enough for them to make a point in what they wrote. The Class Policies, "no incompletes except in extraordinary circumstances and no cheating or else the student will be expelled according to University Regulations". Finishing up with the Required Texts that the student could either have online, buy in the nearest city, or read from the Library; every book they needed, and much more, could be found in the library just diagonally from this classroom.

Feeling heavy since he heard what questions they'll be working on, Jungkook drew while he listened. With his head held up by a hand, Taehyung's voice slowly eased away the tension in his shoulders, letting him relax.

Stopping for a moment, he looked around at the other students. The majority had laptops, the majority were men, and the majority had their coats on. He even found Jimin with his oversized, black hoodie and beanie in the seat closest to the door, hunched over as he wrote in his notebook. He liked that they were giving this kind teacher the respect he deserved.

It was funny that he thought this given how he was the only one who wasn't writing everything he said. Jungkook watched while Taehyung gestured with his hands as he explained, paying such close attention to their faces that Jungkook knew he would've stopped everything to repeat something someone hadn't understood. He was a different man in the classroom, a different version of himself, so sure in his leadership yet kind and approachable in his methods. What a man. What a beauty.

Jungkook hugged his coat beneath his chin again.

He was surrounded by discomfort while comfort spoke to him not too many paces away. But the thought of letting go had him recoiling in on himself; a tugging sensation in the back of his head warning him against it, against telling anybody, even him. He pushed that thought aside, though, and tried not to think of it.

Halfway across the drawing, he stopped himself when he realized what he'd begun doing.

He had painted a perspective view of the small, wooden stage from where he sat; the tall windows to his right, the long tables to his left going down in a stair-like motion, the stage with the professor's desk and chair, and the dark-green board that could be pushed up to reveal another beneath, he had even drawn the double doors leading outside. But he stopped his pen when he had started to draw Taehyung.

He'd realized once he started that he wanted to have his permission to do it. Such an unusual wish; with any other person, he would simply do it quietly, especially if it was a man. Just like with everything else surrounding Taehyung, however, he found himself wishing him to know he was painting him, to have him still and silent just for him, and, most of all, he wanted Taehyung to feel happy about it, not worried of what would happen if the drawings were to be found, just happy and content.

He knew the possibilities of Taehyung agreeing were small, just like the ones about Taehyung staying with him at all, and yet... There was hope in his chest as he erased the shadowy outline of his muse.

And no sooner had the hope appeared in his heart that questions began bombarding his mind.

His heart was beating fast, his neck tensed over, and he swallowed drily as his foot began to tap against the floor. The need to leave the classroom and hide somewhere dark and quiet rose in him, making him feel trapped and frustrated. He tried focusing on Taehyung's voice, but the sound of his other classmates was distracting as they reminded him that he was being watched. And so, he kept drawing, focusing on as much detail as he could.

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