Chapter 72

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(Part 2)

His strength and valor renewed by this unlikely visitor, Draven turned back to the other two with his chin held up, proudly.

- We should get going. - He gave Hoseok a determined nod.

Hoseok sighed and nodded as well.

- Then, Garrett... help me pack what I need while I send the message. -

Garrett nodded and entered the room with him, closing the door behind him to muffle the sound but not locking it while Draven stayed outside and walked closer to the stairs to listen to what was happening beneath.

Suddenly, he felt a rumbling in his upper abdomen that had nothing to do with hunger, and his body temperature rose alarmingly. Hastily, he took hold of the railing and looked intently at the wall in front of him, trying desperately to hold back the mounting desire to fight, to run, to scream in battle.

Slowly, it all came back down again, leaving him gently with a frightening feeling in his chest.

He had no idea what just happened. And he honestly hoped it never happened again.

Draven gave a shaky sigh and threw what just happened in the back of his head to think about later and tried to pay close attention to what was happening outside. He was still severely shaken, but even so, he managed to hear whispering and murmuring two floors below. And although the guy from before seemed to have kept his promise and told no one he was one of the fighters, there was no sound of someone using their phones.

No one was calling the police on him.

Once the door was closed, Hoseok sat on his computer and clicked away. Turning off what he had forgotten to turn off before to finally send a message with the notice and a note to tell them to wait until further notice. All the while Garrett was taking from his drawers everything health-related and putting it over the bed, then doing the same with two changes of clothes and coats, and then -after Hoseok told him where to look- he grabbed a big backpack for the rain and put everything inside, as neatly as he could while also being fast.

Watching him working as he waited for the message to leave, Hoseok couldn't stop moving his knees up and down. Garrett was heavily injured and he couldn't go to the Hospital wing, meaning that he'll have to take care of it all by himself. He'll have to leave him phone numbers and email addresses and instructions because he'll be the only contact left inside Evanthe. He'll have to work on the field, protecting The Rose in secret and keeping up the act of a student, without having finished his Warrior or Shadow training. They'll be leaving an injured guy who barely had any field training to do the job of two men right after a traumatizing, near-death experience.

4:40 pm

Hoseok began shaking his head as he wrote on a piece of paper everything Garrett will need.

- I know what you're thinking. Stop it. - Garrett muttered as he moved to stand beside him and began to take off the antennas of each television.

Antennas Hoseok himself helped to make because he had been told -with years ahead- of the task he would have to undergo.

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