Chapter 29

235 18 42

Hoc Vos Ictus

Putting you thru this

Friday 13th of September, ?:?? AM

The first thing Jungkook noticed when he came into consciousness was just how comfortable the bed felt. So comfortable it almost didn't even feel like his own bed. Then he noticed the light behind his closed eyes, but it was coming from the wrong way. Then he noticed the faint smell of coffee, but... how could that be?

He was highly confused on why he was not hearing Jimin moving around the room when he felt something caressing his cheek very softly.

Slowly, he opened his eyes. And saw Taehyung laying beside him.

Jungkook closed his eyes and opened them again. But Taehyung was still beside him, laying on the bed of his apartment.

Jungkook frowned and closed his eyes again, moving his head to look at the ceiling, and opened them for the third time. But he was still in Taehyung's apartment. He sat up slowly, and felt just how sore he was, he felt weak and exhausted, completely worn out. He looked around himself, at his shoes on the floor, the empty coffee pot beside a mug on the desk by his left, then he looked ahead of him through the empty bookshelf and to the coffee table where there was an empty bottle of oral hydration solution. And, when he looked beside him on the bed, he saw Taehyung was sitting beside him, just like him, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, looking at him with too much worry and not making any attempt at getting closer.

Jungkook turned his head to look ahead and sighed.

- So it was not a nightmare. - He realized and frowned, completely discontent and unable to look at Taehyung for fear of rejection. But then Taehyung was the one who neared him and held his cheek, gently turning his face so he would look at him. He had a little bit of purple under his eyes but still looked very alert.

- How are you feeling? - His question sounded so unsure, so worried and strained like he was fearing he wouldn't answer him that Jungkook took a deep breath and leaned his face to his touch.

- I feel like shit. - He murmured honestly, and Taehyung took a deep, relieved breath. - I'm sorry. - He whispered looking at the shadows under Taehyung's eyes. But Taehyung shook his head.

- For what, Jungkook? Nothing about what happened last night was your fault. Nothing, you hear me? - He said softly but determinedly, moving to kneel in front of him and hold his face gently but securely. - You have no idea how worried I was. -

- I can see it, that's why I'm sorry. - He held Taehyung's wrists, having missed the feeling of his touch on him.

- No, no, I'm not blaming you. -

- I'm not saying you are. The sorrow I feel is for the worry I caused you, I'm not blaming anyone. -

- You're blaming yourself. - Taehyung said surely, and Jungkook did a double-take, realizing that Taehyung's words were right.

- Oh. - Was all he could say, and then he looked at his tired eyes and frowned again. - Did you sleep at all last night? - He asked, concerned. And Taehyung grimaced a little, looking down before answering.

- I did but... I was too worried, I couldn't... - He trailed off and looked up, there was relief in his eyes when he looked at Jungkook there in his hands. - You had... a nightmare. - Jungkook frowned. - You were tossing and turning like someone was hurting you. - He said softly and slowly, afraid that saying it might frighten Jungkook, and stopped when he became tense.

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