Chapter 60

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Leo closed his eyes tightly, his bottom lip trembled, and just as those tears rolled down, his knees pulled up towards his chest until he hugged them close. His head, resting over his forearms.

Finn waited once again until he could answer him anything at all. And he saw him troubled, shaking, breathing deeply, shaking his head, sighing tremulously, and drying his own tears with the collar of his shirt, hurting his already dry under-eyes; all while he saw by his side silently, holding that frozen bag to his face.

Leo didn't lift his head from his knee, but he still spoke in mutters.

- I knew it. - It wasn't necessarily directed at him, he was simply... sighing. But the next part wasn't a sigh, it was a plea. - ...why didn't you let me be confused? -

A part of him was sure this question would be brought up, so Finn answered surely.

- Truth liberates us. Even if it hurts. - It hurts. It just hurts. Watching him cry like this, like he had no idea what to do with himself, it was heartbreaking.

- Truth? What truth? - He frowned.

And Finn clicked his tongue.

- Must you make me say it again? -

Leo stilled himself. Apparently, this was such an unusual reaction that it made Leo forget he was crying as he lifted his head to look at him.

The sight of Leo's red-rimmed eyes and tear-tracked face made him frown. It made him sad.

- You... - Leo tried to say something but seemed distracted. He pulled his hand up and started to dry the tears under his left eye but... he was doing it too harshly.

Finn watched him wipe his tears the first time and blinked, realizing why his face was so scratched, then watched him wipe for the second time and gritted his teeth as he held his breath. He was in pain watching him being so indelicate with himself; but it wasn't until Leo used the heel of his palm to drag it harshly (like a little kid) over that eye, that Finn had enough. He just couldn't watch him hurting himself anymore.

Leo blinked his eyes open and slowly looked down at his wrist... and watched Finn's hand holding it; stopping him from touching his face.

It was only the tips of Finn's fingers halting that hand and if Leo really wanted it, he could easily pull his hand free. But he just looked up at him; worry in the middle of his eyebrows.

- You're hurting yourself, don't do it like that. - Finn gently apprehended him, a deep frown on his forehead. He had lowered the ice bag from his face to hold him there, and maybe it was the sight of those cuts and bruises that halted Leo from doing or saying anything, or maybe it was indeed the fact that it was the first time he was holding him so gently, but something made Leo stop any movement.

Slowly, Finn came to his senses, and... his frown ebbed as the middle of his eyebrows pulled up infinitesimally.

He was quite new to this so... he wasn't entirely sure.

But he could try, couldn't he?

Slowly so Leo could see, he lifted his other hand. His heart was beating terribly, nearly painfully, but he went on. Leo watched that other hand and looked as it neared his own face. Finn saw how his breathing shuddered and accelerated. Afraid. Leo was so afraid; but not of him. More tears welled up, ready to fall. And, right when that tear fell... Finn caught it with the back of his index finger.

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