Chapter 7

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Vera et Falsa

Truths & Lies

Walking slowly and uncaring while he ate his breakfast, he'd put on his coat to protect himself from his mounting anxiety. He'd known this was coming, that's why he didn't want to leave. Like the first time he painted the torso of a man, and he cried hysterically for half an hour because he knew he shouldn't have done it. He was waiting for that mountain of regret to hit him, feeling more paranoid every second it didn't. He looked for bathrooms on the way just in case he needed to hide and ate slowly so he wouldn't trigger himself into throwing up. And still, nothing happened.

Instead, he felt rather giggly. More anxious about feeling anxious than because of what he'd done. Touching Taehyung had put a new perspective on life. Warmth was yet to stop flowing up and down his body, making him hyper-aware of the hand he wasn't using to eat.

Jungkook had felt a connection of sorts with Taehyung since the first instant they met. In the beginning, he thought the connection was due to him feeling amazed by his beauty, but then, on that clearing, Taehyung's presence, his voice, his laugh, and his words, all about him made him feel at peace, almost like they were meant to meet.

He usually didn't believe in that sort of thing. In destiny. But the facts were there right in front of him.

He had never felt completely at peace, not even in his own room. He started to "sneak out" at night to try to find a place he could be completely alone, without the fear or paranoia stopping him from venting out his feelings in any way, but no such place was ever found.

Leo and Emily were his best friends, he would do anything for them, be anyone for them, he had no idea and didn't even want to think about what could have happened to him or who he would've become if it wasn't for their friendship. But truly opening up to them had never felt easy. It wasn't their fault that he had things that were hard to say or even think about, it wasn't their fault that he felt scared every time he didn't know how they would react to something, it wasn't their fault that he couldn't feel safe with anyone anywhere.

Or so he thought until he met Taehyung.

When he sees him he sees acceptance, kindness, tenderness, and protection; when he hears him talk he feels relaxed, when he laughs, he feels happy, when he's with him, he feels safe. He never thought it could be possible.

There's simply no logical explanation that this stranger he met barely a day ago, was able to make him feel like he'd never felt before. Or make him do what he never thought he'd ever do.

Jungkook smiled up at the chandelier, placing his left hand over his heart.

When he got to the door of "Human Nature", having finished with his food, he stood still. He had checked and rechecked the classroom number to make sure it was indeed C202. But even if he was sure it was there, his feet couldn't move. One moment his head had been in the clouds and then a moment later he was faced with the classroom door of a class he was twenty minutes late. He could hear the Professor, it was a woman by the sound of it, and she was talking at the moment. If he entered the classroom right now, all the attention would be moved to him.

Jungkook took a step back from the door. He didn't want all that attention. He couldn't go in, not now, he'll just have to ask Jimin to show him his notes or something. Jungkook slowly started to step away from the door, and then stopped again. What if she had a list of names and knew that he, the son of the Headmaster, missed her first class?

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