Chapter 2

693 43 12

Per Hostis Amica

A Friendly Foe

Upon looking, he saw Leo taking his hand away from him, exhaling sharply through his nose.

- I told you to move, weren't you listening? Put your head back on your shoulders, you were blocking the entrance for some people. -

Jungkook felt abashed.

- Sorry, I was just–

- Staring around like an idiot. Yes, I saw. - Leo chuckled, making him smile down at the floor.

- Don't worry, Kooky. - Emily whispered. - At least you weren't about to cry like someone else over here. - She threw a glance at Leo.

Jungkook widened his eyes.

- I didn't. - Leo gasped silently and then whispered, – I didn't... I don't-- I don't cry, I'm a man. How dare you, Emily Davis! – He was offended, as any man would be. But Jungkook and Emily couldn't stop laughing under their breaths at the sight of his face.

They were taught that men were physically able to cry but psychologically less prompted to do so. Hence why it was an insult.

Another reason why Jungkook thought there was something wrong with his brain. He was psychologically more prone to do so.

- Ok, ok, sorry. - Emily stopped laughing. - But I thought it was cute seeing you so happy, so I kept the memory. - She said while shrugging.

Jungkook took advantage of this little argument to look around again. Watching beautiful things for hours was his favorite hobby and, if anyone would pay him for doing so, his wealth would be incredible.

But, this time, he kept himself connected to reality so he would hear if they called him again.

- Well, procure yourself to save puppies instead of embarrassing moments, thank you very much. – Leo retorted as he folded his arms over his chest again.

Jungkook, however, was wondering to himself: "¿How could an architect from hundreds of years ago know those little details would make the ceiling so...".

But his eyes drifted south, and his thoughts ceased.

All the people walking past them were heading to the reception desk like bees to a hive. And there were too many.

Quite suddenly, he found himself feeling trapped.

- I think we better move. - Jungkook said to the pair of them as he tried to ease his heartbeat once more. - The whole point of getting here early was so I could finish unpacking before my roommate arrived. - He grabbed his bag straps, tensing up.

- Let's go then. - Emily tugged one of Jungkook's hands, making him let go of his bag so he would hold her instead, and guided him through the mass of people towards the front desk.

She had done the same from the moment they met; taking his hand and guiding him. Jungkook thinks this action was instinct since she became an older sister twelve years ago. It felt nice. It was a kind, human contact that Jungkook almost always needs.

- At least they left you to unpack it all on your own. - Leo humphed, following the two. - After you said how your things were already in your room, it wouldn't be a surprise if it was all ready and polished for you. - Leo was trying to follow them closely without touching Jungkook or anyone around him, which was a little harder for him to do given his size. And Jungkook was trying to do the same thing, though the place was so crowded.

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