Chapter 40

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Me auxilium vobis

Let me help you

- Of course, I knock. - Leo fought back jokingly as he got in with his bag over his shoulder.

- I think he meant "like a normal person". - Emily fought on Finn's side, getting in after the latter, both with their bag as well.

- Hello, so nice to have you barging into my room, thank you very much. - Jungkook joked and they all chuckled as he leaned against the table and crossed his arms over his chest.

Leo. Jungkook's planning on paying much more attention today.

- Wait. - Said Emily as she looked around and left her bag beside Jimin's bed. - Where's Jimin? I thought he would be joining us. - She asked, confused.

Jungkook's body froze, the smile was gone, and his head started rushing to remember if he had heard or felt or even thought Jimin had gone out of the bathroom, but nothing came.

Jimin never got out of the bathroom.

The breath got cut in his throat, his eyes opened wide and his head turned hastily to look at the bathroom door as his body jumped away from his desk, arms falling tensely to his sides. He looked back at his friends, trying and failing to keep composure. They all looked alarmed at seeing him like this.

- He never got out. - Was the only thing he said under his breath.

Finn's reaction was instantaneous, his face fell into alarm as he rushed silently towards the bathroom door, holding in a breath. The rest were all frozen in place, not knowing what to make of Jimin locking himself in there.

- Jimin. - Finn said gently, very close to the door, the palms of his hands almost touching the wood and shaking slightly. He looked whiter than ever. - Jimin can you--... Could you answer me, please? - He looked so afraid as he tried to control his breathing, a pained frown placed on his forehead. Not a single sound came from the bathroom. - Jimin. - Nothing. - Jimin, could you open the door, please? - His voice was always gentle though he looked terrified. Nothing could be heard from the other side. Finn's breath hitched right when he was about to try again, and his hands flew to his neck, holding it as though he was choking or something hurt him.

Jungkook was about to take a step when movement made him stop. It was Leo, hurrying towards Finn, looking at nothing but him, being worried for no one but him, stretching his hands to hold him. But Finn turned around before he ever got near enough and ran out the door, gasping for air.

Leo stood there, frozen, looking down at his own outstretched hands in astonishment while Emily looked at his back with utter confusion like she couldn't even come up with what he had been wanting to do.

Jungkook looked back towards the door and finally stepped forwards.

- Jimin. - He spoke close to the door, ear right next to it to hear the faintest of sounds. But nothing came. - Jimin, if you don't open the door, I'll punch it down. - He was desperate now, guilt eating him alive like scorching fire to his skin. How did he let this happen? how did he never notice Jimin never getting out? why was he so self-absorbed that he cared more about his thoughts than to check if his roommate, who's just had a panic attack, felt fine enough to be left alone in a closed room? - One... - He started counting, ready to break down the door if he must. - Two!... - He heard something.

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