Chapter 11

257 15 13

Et In Spiram

Spiraling Down

Taehyung was angrier than ever. However, he remained composed where he stood. Yesterday when Jungkook left, he couldn't help but crumble. Today, on the other hand, he was burning with anger. Anger at himself.

He took his briefcase from where he left it on the floor and went back to take the book he pushed away. He remembered Jungkook's laugh when he wouldn't let him see and felt an obstruction forming in his throat. A need to scream.

He walked out of the bookshelves and into the corridor leading to the stairs as easily as the day before. He remembered how Jungkook told him with a big beautiful smile about how this place is cursed and the lump got painful in his throat. Walking faster, he exited the library and went straight to the Professors' living area.

Inside, there was no one around. He got to the elevators, held his breath while going up, and yet angry tears escaped his unwilling eyes. Then the elevator doors opened, and there was Oliver.

Mr. O'Connor was standing there, waiting for the elevator to arrive with his arms full of big rolled-up cardboard. And when he saw Taehyung's face, he became concerned.

- Taehyung, what happened? -

He sounded just like his father.

Taehyung shook his head, tightly keeping his mouth shut, and passed him running to get to his door, taking the keys out as he did so. Without looking back, he hastily opened the door and entered, closing it behind him just as fast.

Taehyung walked to the kitchen counter by his left and placed his briefcase upon it... alongside the book. He'd forgotten to leave it in its place. He stared at it in his hands. "A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux '' It's a romance novel, and that was why he didn't want Jungkook to see it. Now, it seems stupid, but, back then, he'd been happily playing around because of it.

The bond between Dougless and Nicholas had been so sudden and yet so true, it had reminded him of Jungkook and himself... That was why he felt for him even more strongly than before when out of a sudden he looked to the side and found him standing there, appearing out of nowhere, just like the first night they met. Almost like it had been... destiny....

Taehyung's knees buckled as he cried silent sobs of lament, anger, frustration, pain. He left the book violently on the counter and went to his bed, taking his suit jacket off. He remembered Jungkook's hands under it and threw it on the couch, then, threw himself on his bed, grabbed a pillow, and started to scream.

It was all too much. He felt so angry, so angry. He fancies Jungkook. He does. Oh, how hard he fancied him. His face was so breathtaking, his eyes were big and dark and shining like they were gems, his cheeks were even softer than they looked, his voice, his words, his honesty, his carefulness, his cheekiness, his warmth, his lips... so soft. He remembered them on his neck and sobbed at the pleasant memory of it knowing it was wrong for him to have felt so good when it happened, and even now. And yet, he wanted to kiss him. So, he yelled in his pillow.

He was feeling so many things at once.

His family, his past, what he had to endure all these years, and then magically meeting Jungkook, but not being able to have him. It had to be a cruel joke. What had he done to deserve this sort of thing? Having gotten Daphne pregnant? Did he deserve this torment? Why? Why was he different? He grew up well, his family was the best in the world, they all loved, respected, and supported each other, and they all took care of each other, he was a good son, a good friend, a good brother, a good student, a good teacher, a good husband, a good father. He might have had some misses here and there but, don't they all?

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