Chapter 32

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Et Vobis?

And You?

Jungkook could feel himself getting aroused, he's hot under the hoodie and getting hard under his trousers, he's more than enjoying the attention Taehyung was giving to his sensitive neck and he's feeling really good. He barely has space in his head to feel shy about the light when all he's thinking is what his senses are picking up at the exact moment.

But... as much as he's feeling way better than when he woke up and there seems to be nothing wrong with him, he can feel himself still a little bit drained, his limbs are quite heavy and he's not feeling energetic at the moment. He really would like to do it, to see and hear Taehyung, but he doesn't know if he will be able to go "fast" and "hard" so he's not sure what he could do at the moment would be enough to satisfy.

Jungkook took use of his hold on Taehyung's hair and gently pulled him back as he straightened his head and looked him closely in the eyes.

Taehyung looked so aroused that Jungkook doubts he would be craving something soft.

He's doubting himself, he's overthinking and he knows it but he can't stop it. What if Taehyung doesn't feel satisfied with what he could do at the moment? What if Taehyung doesn't like it if he says "not now"? He was looking at all of this as though he was a performer fearing the disappointment of their customer, how terrible this feeling was, Jungkook didn't like this feeling at all. He's feeling like he owed Taehyung the best performance he could give him at all times and that should never be the case. But if he knows it then why does he still feel anxious to tell him "no"?

- I have a problem right now. -

- Tell me. - Taehyung said right away, concentrating fully on Jungkook's words even if his eyes still looked darker than usual.

- I don't really feel... that strong right now... - His sentence cut in his nervousness to voice out his worries. And because he took too long to continue, Taehyung's eyes widened a little.

- Oh. - He seemed to have remembered something, probably what happened last night. - Oh, of course, you're not--... I mean, of course, you don't--... -

- Wait, wait... - Jungkook cut him before he could start blaming himself for being pushy or something just as wrong. - "But", I was going to say "but", it just didn't come out in time. -

- Oh. - Taehyung said again, but this time with relief, and they both chuckled. - You were saying then? - Taehyung nudged him to continue with a grin, knowing where this was going.

Jungkook giggled, feeling nervous again as he averted his eyes.

- Well, I'm not feeling that... energetic if you will, so... well, I thought, if you really want to do it– I also! of course, me too. - He giggled again. - But if it could be like, mild or... soft? I don't really–... Could it be soft? Is that possible? Cause I don't know... - He doesn't know if people could cum without moving faster or harder.

Taehyung understood immediately and he cut him off in the best way he could've. He kissed him gently and only answered when their lips were one breath away once more.

Yes. We can do it softly if you want, and it will still feel blissful. Remember, - He held Jungkook's chin gently with the side of his index and his thumb, making him look directly into his eyes. - just one touch of yours will suffice. Because it's you I want, not only the feeling of it. - Jungkook's breath stopped in his throat at the intensity of his stare, and he nodded in understanding. - Let's go then. - Taehyung smiled at him and Jungkook felt a billion butterflies going off all over his body, filling him with both excitement and nerves.

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