Chapter 28

213 19 35


Too Much

Jungkook, bubbling with excitement, kneeled in between Taehyung's legs and laid on top of him, pressing them together, Jungkook's ear pressed against Taehyung's chest hearing his heartbeat and Taehyung hugging him around the waist tightly.

Jungkook sighed, content, comfortable, and feeling like he might fall asleep.

- How much time do we have? - He murmured sleepily, Taehyung's heartbeat was like a lullaby.

Taehyung hugged him tighter with arms and legs and his voice was but a whisper.

- One hour. -

It hit Jungkook then, how utterly painful it will be to leave. It got harder every time they were together but something about tonight made it nearly impossible to leave now. He felt so entirely attached to Taehyung both physically and emotionally that leaving him for any length of time would be like leaving his entire heart behind, leaving it out in the open, leaving himself exposed for anyone to hurt him. Another pang in the chest.

He felt so different than before he came here today, aside from the attachment, he had been feeling so comfortable in his skin, so comfortable with the mischievous and sensual part of himself he never knew he could have. He had been so comfortable with all of himself that it tired him just thinking about going outside and having to lie even heavier than before, having to hide every single part of himself he was unraveling with Taehyung.

Having to lie, hide, pretend, act the character, it all seemed so hard to do after tonight. He understands himself so much better now that it just hurts having to hide the wonder he discovered. For the first time in his life, he wanted to tell anyone who listened just how wonderful it was to be in love and be loved and how amazing it felt to be physically involved with the person he adored. He wanted to tell his friends and for them to be happy about him.

But he couldn't.

- Kooky? - Taehyung's concerned voice brought him back and made him realize that he had started crying silently.

- I'm fine...? -

Taehyung turned them to the side, placing Jungkook between himself and the back of the couch, and held his face to make him look up at him with his watery eyes.

- What is it? - He asked softly, wiping his tears away. Jungkook closed his eyes at the beautiful contact and hid his face in Taehyung's neck. - What's on your mind, my Love? - He asked softly again, full of worry and holding Jungkook close with one hand behind his head and the other around his waist. Jungkook took a deep breath and swallowed the obstruction in his throat to answer in a murmur.

- Injustice. -

Taehyung's head got closer to his and Jungkook felt so safe right where he was, protected by Taehyung's bigger and stronger frame, protected by his hold, and, most of all, his love.

- I have never felt so much love in my life. - He whispered and his voice betrayed him when it broke at the end. Taehyung caressed his waist up and down and it successfully calmed him down. - I... I don't... I don't know... - He took a deep breath and gave up. - I'm just overwhelmed, don't worry. -

About the whole thing, about being in love for the first time and being loved like this as well and how it was with someone he had to hide with. But he doesn't know what to say out loud, maybe it was the tiredness or the denial but, as his heartbeat got faster, his brain just started to go on and on with everything wrong and everything right and all there was in between that his tired mind was having difficulty stopping.

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