Chapter 63

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It was past ten in the morning. It had been three hours since Alex took Garrett. And there's not a single trace for Hoseok or Yoongi to follow.

The blow she gave each of them had been so saturated with burning Warrior energy that it activated their Cores' defense system. Meaning that they couldn't use their cosmic energy until they were calm enough for it to flow freely again.

The fear had been such that their energy had frozen up in place.

And the fear of not being able to find Garrett was such that they couldn't calm down enough for their energy to unfreeze from its place.

When they woke up again and they saw he wasn't with them, Hoseok immediately called his phone; only to realize he had left it. They didn't know if he had any other new friends, but, even then they knew, they didn't have those people's phone numbers. Hoseok then entered the university's data through his computer and found the class he was supposed to be in. It was the same as Jungkook's. But they knew he wouldn't have gone to class without even his shoes on.

Neither of them said it, but both thought the same thing: Sooner or later, they'll have to inform their superiors, starting with Garrett's father, Aureoluz. However, they didn't want to have to do it for many reasons, the first of which being that they weren't helpless little kids and therefore should be able to solve the situation by themselves. They were already entrusted with a very important plan which was to find The Rose and his mate, so how would it look if they inform them that they had lost Garrett to the hands of someone from their own tribe? The second reason why they didn't want to tell them was: What would they do even if they knew? Fight Alex's parents? They were kind people, it would simply be unfair to blame them for what she did. What else could they do? Come here? When everything was so critical at the moment and a "visit" like that had to be planned with time? No, they couldn't tell them, not even to inform them, not even to ask for help, nothing, they would tell them nothing.

And, secretly, Hoseok didn't want to tell Aureoluz.

Garrett's father had never liked him much since he stupidly tried to cross the line with Garrett at that party some years ago so how would it look if he were to lose him now?

But he doesn't need his help anyway. He'll find him, he's sure he will. Yoongi will help him and everything will be fine again.

So, since Hoseok hasn't been able to see the security cameras thru his computer, once the clock marked past eleven in the morning, they left everything, even leaving the computer on, and decided to ask the guards at every exit of the university to make sure Alex hadn't taken him out of the grounds.

- A girl with short hair and a guy without shoes on? - The big-mustached guard asked them as he bobbed on the heels of his feet and frowned. - As a matter of fact, I did. - he kept on frowning at them as if just the memory of that sight still made him queasy.

Hoseok felt his heart drop to the bottom of his stomach like a rock. He could barely draw breath as he asked again.

- Where... In what direction did they go? - His whole body was tense all over. How could he have let this happen?

Over there. - The guard pointed to the right side of the long road.

They were informed, upon their arrival to Evanthe, that there was only green land all around but two large cities close by, the one on the left (Leeds) was the closest so that's where Hoseok and Yoongi always go, and the one on the right (Gerrards Cross) was a couple of hours away but still closer than the next. And he was pointing in that same direction.

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