Chapter 30

229 18 66

Amica Nobis Amans

Friend vs Lover

Taehyung lent Jungkook some of his clothes again while his was in the washer, and he left him to shower the bad feelings away while he cooked something for himself with the things he brought up from the Professors lounge.

And while Jungkook showered and Taehyung cooked, Leo got a message.

Psss, Finn. - Leo grabbed Finn's attention from the teacher. They were in "Criminal Law" class. Finn looked to the side at him yet his fingers were still typing, something that still creeped Leo out. And Leo just showed him his phone for Finn to read.

Mr. Jeon/ Jungkook's father: He's in Professor Taehyung's apartment. They told me he had to stay the night due to him getting sick. I saw he looked better this morning, however, Professor Taehyung still has matters to discuss with him. You can go get him when you're free. Good day.

Finn's fingers froze over his keyboard and he looked up at Leo.

- What...? - He looked concerned.

- I know. - Leo nodded, pocketing his phone and then looking at the teacher, unsure of what to do. - Should I go or should I stay? - He asked Finn's advice, but Finn was still disconcerted about the notice.

- Why did he get sick? And so suddenly... Didn't he look well yesterday? happy even? Sick with what? And what matters to discuss? With a teacher? -

- Slow down. You sound like Emily. - Leo was thinking just the same but saying it all out loud didn't help him much. He was looking forward, hands folded over the desk, with a frown on his face. - He was happy yesterday morning and arrived at lunch all merry as well. - He thought and thought.

- Could the girl have something to do with it? - Finn theorized; sitting down as still as possible and talking low to not draw attention to themselves.

- You think the girl would've gotten him sick? - He looked at Finn incredulously. - I know we're studying to get into the criminal field, but that doesn't mean everything has to be a conspiracy. -

- Ok, first of all, it's not a conspiracy, it's a theory, and second... - Leo chuckled silently and Finn averted his eyes with a slight grin. - And secondly, just think about it, he said he was going to meet her that afternoon and that she didn't really seem that ok in the morning. -

- Oh please. So what, she didn't like him so she wanted to get rid of him altogether? That's a bit too much, Finn. Get back to the ground. -

- Fine then, tell me your theory. - He challenged, looking back at him.

- Very well, let's see. - Leo looked ahead again, this time looking through memories and coming up with new thoughts. - Jungkook gets sick very easily. - He murmured with a grimace.

- And you tell me that just now? - Finn said exasperatedly.

- Well, it's just that he gets sick for a moment but then he's fine, like... it's sort of like... asthma? He has these things where if there are too many people around he feels kind of claustrophobic and can't seem to breathe right. -

- So does he have asthma or claustrophobia? -

- We have no idea. Neither does he as far as he's told us. He just said he feels like he can't breathe and that he needs clear air so whenever this happens we would either run to the nearest "outside" there is or Emily would calm him down. But usually, when this happens, he would get dizzy and then sick, but after that, he's fine, we would eat something and he would be fine again. Here, however, - He looked down at his pocket - it does suggest something much worse if he couldn't even get to his room. -

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