Chapter 4

475 36 17

Est Verto Off Lux

A Light Turning Off

It was almost nine o'clock and the sky was pitch black. But more stars could be seen here than forty minutes away, where his house was. He was heading into the trees of the woods he had so desperately wanted to be in since the morning. And Jungkook smiled as he walked over the white rocks of the path.

It had been after returning from dinner and bidding his friends goodbye that he looked out the window and found this same path. Without needing to be told twice, he left everything ready the next morning and walked outside even though he knew students couldn't be outside after ten o'clock. The pull was such that he didn't even think of bringing his phone or thinking about how he'd never entered a woods at night, he simply went.

His hands were folded behind his back as he walked. He was following the illuminated path though his eyes were glued to the deepest and darkest part of the woods; the part of the path never led to. The white path only entered until the second line of trees began and then turned, separating dark, unknown woods from the bright gardens.

He smiled at the welcoming feeling the darkness gave him. It was somehow warmer than the light he left behind. Stopping in his tracks, he unfolded his hands, and, checking no one was there to look, he stepped out of the path and into the woods.

A light breeze caressed his back and he walked onwards, unto that which he could not see but he trusted like a friend.

Thinking of friends, he was reminded of Leo, falling on his back and hitting the wall with his feet for trying to do a headstand to amuse Jimin, and then Emily, laughing and cleaning the wall as she told him off.

Carefully, he placed his palm against the trees as he passed. Grateful they were here to accompany him.

Somehow, thinking of Leo and Emily always had a bit of sourness. Just this afternoon, for example, he lied about the reasons why he wanted to talk to Finn, and then when the three of them sat on his bed and were talking about their future in Evanthe, it felt rehearsed. Like the words came from having heard their parents repeating so much that they now sounded believable. But it wasn't their fault, that was simply how the world worked. All he needed to remember is that they are together, and they will be fine.

Because, if they hadn't been together, he wouldn't have been able to go through the Welcome Dinner banquet.

His smile faded a little.

It had been in Auditorium 1, the biggest of ten, and it was for everybody. He'd been with his head down most of the time, afraid to find someone he didn't want to find even though his father was giving a speech. But there were a few moments where he had to lift his head to see.

At the banquet.

Welcome. - Yungsoo's voice boomed through the whole auditorium, every table could hear him from his place on the stage. - I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful summer that has you relaxed, recharged, and ready to start a new year of your education. For some it's their first, for some it's their last, but either way, I am delighted to have you all as a part of our amazing learning community and I welcome and value your dedication to excel in every work you do. -

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