Chapter 23

249 17 51

Calor et Frigus

Warmth then Cold

Jungkook turned around in his chair to see who had called him and saw that it was Namjoon. He was looking slightly disheveled, trying to catch his breath and looking terrified as he held the "gift" Jungkook had made for him.

Jungkook's body reacted on its own and he jumped out of his chair away from Namjoon. It hadn't been his intention in the slightest, but the damage was done. Namjoon saw that and he looked around, much more frightened than before, then he took hurried steps towards Jungkook, palms up, trying to show him that he bore no harm. And Jungkook stayed still, eyebrows knotted as he saw this reaction. This was exactly why he wanted to talk to Namjoon. This fear was wrong.

- Namjoon, calm down. - He whispered to Namjoon as he took one step toward him and they were close enough to each other.

Namjoon still looked too scared.

- Jungkook... - His voice was filled with fright. - Jungkook what-- what did you--... what did you hear in the--... - He couldn't even finish his sentence, but Jungkook could tell what he wanted to say so he shushed him, looking around them just to make sure and then looking at him again to talk in a whisper.

- I know what was happening behind the bookshelf. -

Namjoon shook his head.

- How-- How could you...? How could you know what...? - His voice was shaking, voice low, stance tense from head to foot.

- I heard... enough to know that it was a ma--

Shhhhh. - Namjoon got one tiny bit closer, shushing him frantically and looking around. They were completely alone, with no cameras in sight, no one on this floor, and the floor was too far from the first one for anyone downstairs to be able to look at them. But Jungkook understood the fear, and right then he felt the anger Tom talked about. Anger at the world. - Could we... Could we talk there, please? - Namjoon pointed shakily somewhere behind him and Jungkook understood that he meant the hidden trap doors of the library, but Jungkook shook his head.

- I can't, I'm... waiting for someone. -

Namjoon's eyes widened.

- Who? Who are you waiting for? Who did you call?? Jungkook... Jungkook, please, I... I'll do anything, just... - Tears started to fall from his terrified eyes, his body was shaking uncontrollably, his hand let the envelope fall to the floor as he seemed to be in utter shock of fear, frantically looking around and folding his arms over his chest, trying to protect himself.

The sight broke something in Jungkook. He couldn't believe what the fear could do to someone like them. Namjoon was beside himself with fear that Jungkook might have called someone to get him.

- Namjoon. - He called him in a firm tone and took a strong stride towards him to grab his shoulders. - I haven't called anyone against you. I am not against you. I'm just like you. - Namjoon's tears stopped as shock replaced anything else. He was still shaking, unable to exhale. - That's why I wanted to talk to you, I'm in the same position as you. -

Namjoon breathed out then, grabbing Jungkook's elbows as he looked around taking deep breaths.

- You're just like me? - He asked, still unsure and frightened.

- Yes. - Jungkook said firmly.

Namjoon nodded then, his hold tightening.

- Then who are you waiting for? - His question was still filled with uncertainty, unknowing tears falling from his shocked eyes.

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