Chapter 17

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Non Nunc

Not Now

They were holding the other like never before. Their hearts filled with blissful relief and their lungs worked to calm down their breathing again, for the shock of their confessions had been a huge one.

Jungkook, feeling calmer and relaxed, let his grip hang a little loose around Taehyung's neck and he was just there for a moment, breathing in his scent, feeling his warm chest against his own and his arms loosening a little too to hold his waist with his hands. He felt a kiss on the side of the head, so he kissed him back on his neck.

- What did I tell you? - Taehyung warned him with an audible smile. Jungkook chuckled and leaned back, still close to his face.

- It was the only place within my reach. - He defended himself. They were both smiling. Jungkook held Taehyung's cheek with one hand, and Taehyung turned his head a little to kiss Jungkook's palm before resting his cheek on it. Jungkook kissed him tenderly on the other cheek, and then his phone rang in his bag. - Oh, yeah, the real word. - He muttered as he remembered and he heard Taehyung chuckling.

But when he stretched to the side to grab his bag, he felt Taehyung tensing up. With a giggle, not knowing why he reacted that way, Jungkook took out his phone, but, right when he pressed the green button, Taehyung's hand went under his sweater, making him gasp loudly.

Taehyung's eyes were wide as he felt Jungkook's bare skin; as he felt Jungkook's lack of a shirt. Jungkook giggled with his face all hot and tried to get Taehyung's hand out, but he had grabbed his waist.

Hello? - He heard a voice coming from his phone and put it against his ear.

- Hi! - Out of nowhere, Taehyung tickled him, and he laughed. - Stop it. - He whispered frantically at him with a wide smile on his face, and Taehyung took his hand out to grab his waist with both hands while he shook his head in disbelief.

Jungkook? -

- Yes, Emily, sorry. What is it? - He was a little out of breath as he grinned at Taehyung's still disbelieving stare that went down to his hands and up at his eyes again.

Well... I was going to apologize for being late to lunch but you seem to be... busy, aren't you? - She laughed, and it sounded a little nervous.

- Highly, yes. - He answered with a laugh, and Taehyung lifted one eyebrow. Just one.

Jungkook... it's just been three days... Who are you with right now? -

Jungkook couldn't pick up the strangeness in her tone.

- I don't want to get into details. - He laughed, as he felt Taehyung's hands going up and down his back like the night before, and his back involuntarily arched as he shook his head at Taehyung, but the latter just smirked. Oooh, whatever he said about rules, this man liked danger, Jungkook could see it in his eyes. - What-- what was it that you wanted to... tell me? - He closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath with a smirk grabbing hard on Taehyung's shoulder. And, when he opened his eyes to look defiantly at Taehyung, he placed his nails to his neck.

It was to apologize for being late to lunch, we agreed on meeting at twelve-thirty and it's past one. -

Jungkook relished the way Taehyung's eyes immediately closed and hissed silently as he dragged his nails down his neck. But then Taehyung rapidly caught his hand and stopped him from going any lower.

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