Chapter 33

230 17 42

Secreta et Mendacium

Secrets and Lies

But how will he do it?

Seokjin rarely talks to anybody and, as far as Taehyung had interacted with him, he doesn't look that friendly. Could he do what Jungkook did with Namjoon?

He had to get some answers, and it would also be good to show acceptance to him, maybe Seokjin needs it just like Namjoon had. Ok then, he took a deep breath as he folded the top of the paper bag and then grabbed it tightly with his hand. He had wanted to make this a fast trip, but opportunities like these don't come very often, so, determinately, he walked to the resting area where Seokjin was seated.

His face was hidden behind the paper he was reading, and, as Taehyung got nearer, he saw the headline "Packed courtrooms at The Royal Courts of Justice".

Packed courtrooms? At the RCJ? But that place is huge, and it has about 19 courtrooms, doesn't it? Only civil justice is dispensed at the RCJ, businesses problems, large commercial disputes, and domestic violence just to name a few but no criminal trial ever takes place there. The civilians are having so many problems that they packed the RCJ? What's going on with this country?

He stopped reading when he was close enough to talk to him. But no sooner had he opened his mouth to say hello that Seokjin lifted an index finger while he still held the paper. He hadn't seen him arrive, his face was completely hidden behind it, and yet he knew he was there. Taehyung just closed his mouth again and waited.

After a few seconds, the finger relaxed its stand and Seokjin spoke while he slowly lowered his paper.

- Considering how you stayed put, I'm thinking you either have something important to say or you just really like to greet people like an overexcited cub. - He said in his low, high class, and polished voice looking at Taehyung as though he himself was in some way superior.

- I actually want to talk to you. - Taehyung answered in just as low of a voice but laced with dislike. - To have a "conversation", have you heard of those? - His little joke gained him a sower grin from Seokjin. He neatly and swiftly folded his paper over his crossed legs and Taehyung noticed he was wearing a three-piece suit that somehow looked even more expensive than any of his.

- You better have a good reason to pull me out of my reading. -

Even if they were only two years apart, Taehyung felt like an infant talking to a formidable grandfather. But, trying to seem as though he was at his level, Taehyung walked past and sat down in the armchair beside him, putting the bag on the floor at one side and praying that Jungkook wouldn't wake up until he got back. But now that he had Seokjin's whole attention, he didn't know what to say.

Seeing Seokjin sighing tensely, his dislike mounted again and he opened his mouth,

- Aren't you supposed to be likable? How could you be a psychologist? - Taehyung asked with a frown at the impossibility that anybody would want to open up to this kind of person.

Seokjin almost rolled his eyes and then folded his hands over his lap.

- I'm not supposed to be anything but respectable as I am a Professor and not somebody's comfort dog. For the record, I specialized in Clinical Psychology, not Children Psychology, so if you were expecting me to give you a lolly for your brave attempt at starting a conversation with a man who makes you feel inferior, I'm sorry to tell you that you won't only feel humiliated but also disappointed. - Taehyung was stunned in his seat. - You thought I wouldn't notice? I am a psychologist, Kim. I noticed your stare at me when you got in and witnessed how you debated whether to approach me or not while you were emptying the counter. -

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