Chapter 31

281 17 52

Pulchra Verba

Beautiful Words

Jungkook was so comfortable, it was lovely. He was in the dark closet curled up on a ball on the floor, surrounded by several button-up shirts and suit jackets that had the most of Taehyung's beautiful scent. And clutching tight to his chest and right over his nose was the suit jacket Taehyung had worn the day before.

The scent had helped him calm down completely from his fear, it had reminded him that he wasn't alone, that he was loved.

Love was stronger than fear, it always was.

After some time that seemed somewhat long in his hiding corner, Jungkook heard keys opening the bathroom door, and his eyes went wide open. Then he heard those same keys on the closet's doorknob, but then they stopped. Slowly, Jungkook sat up.

- Love? - Taehyung's careful voice called from the other side and then a soft knocking was heard.

Jungkook smiled with endearment, Taehyung could have opened the door but he was giving the choice to him if he wanted to.

- You can open it. - Jungkook answered while still clutching the jacket tight to him and seating crisscrossed on the corner beside the door. Taehyung opened it slowly and light poured in from the bathroom, making Jungkook squint his eyes, then the light of the closet was turned on, and, as Jungkook blinked trying to see, he heard Taehyung crouching down in front of him.

- How are you? - He asked as softly as his hand brushed his hair. Jungkook finally could open his eyes and the sight of Taehyung right there in front of him brought a lump to his throat. He clutched the jacket harder to his chest.

- Better. -

Taehyung looked down at the jacket and then around them at the clothes, and Jungkook saw an unstoppable tentative smile tug at the corners of his mouth.

He left the jacket aside to leap forwards and hugged Taehyung tight around his neck, hiding his face there and smiling at the realization that those clothes didn't make any justice to Taehyung's true scent. It was even better.

Taehyung hugged him tight around the middle and stood up, lifting Jungkook effortlessly with him.

- Let's go then, you haven't finished with your crackers. - Jungkook chuckled, the lump in his throat an involuntary reaction to the happiness that Taehyung gave him. And once again, in one swift movement, Taehyung's hands grabbed the back of his thighs and lifted him, holding him completely off the ground. Jungkook chuckled again and, to help, crossed his ankles around him so Taehyung would only need to hug him around his waist.

Taehyung walked as if he wasn't carrying a whole nother person, and it felt good. He felt safe in his secure hold. This was the first time Jungkook could remember that he was carried like this.

On their way out of the closet and the bathroom, Taehyung turned off the lights and then went straight to where they were before: on the kitchen counter beside Jungkook's bag. Carefully, he placed Jungkook there but didn't let go. It could also be because Jungkook was tight around him, but Taehyung never felt tense or uncomfortable. He started to rub his hand up and down his back with one hand and brush his hair with the other, turning his head to the side so his lips were touching Jungkook's ear.

Jungkook loved him so much, and even if it was a lot more love than he ever thought himself capable of, this was the only massive feeling that wasn't badly overwhelming. It felt good to love him.

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