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The earliest documents concerning same-sex relationships -that are known to the public- come from ancient Greece. A mature man would be the Erastes (lover) to a young Eromenos (loved one). Such documents depict a world in which relationships with youths were the essential foundation of a normal man's love life. Inspired by Eros, the evolution of their love would help them grow as individuals, creating thus a peaceful world for the Greeks.

It was between 495-429 B.C that the leader of Athens, Pericles, forbade this ancient tradition and punished all those who believed were able to defy him in secret. The ruler of this land had been the first man in written history to stand against the display of affection towards the same gender. And his influence spread as his power grew with each conquest.

The beautiful world their shining Gods had made for them, was broken. Their Gods had left and, with them, their memory. The light had left and, with it, its warmth. Now, they could only survive through the Darkness.

Inquisition, 1578:"...for punishment does not take place primarily and per se for the correction and good of the person punished, but for the public good in order that others may become terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit".

Burned alive, cut alive, suffer so much that they were barely alive; love could barely survive in these conditions. Not even screaming could make them understand that "It's just love".

But, if hundreds of years passed, they still wouldn't listen to their explanations, exclamations, and continuous declarations; they simply found another way to keep them quiet through more violations.

Dr. Hannibal Marlow, 1930: "Feeling attracted to one's same gender isn't a sign of good health. Homosexuality is a terrible mental illness that can and will be treated. We'll cure these poor people whose brains have been altered horribly."

It didn't matter that no one knew where they took them or what became of them once they were taken, people still accused their fellow left, right, and center.

Then, a worldwide notice to celebrate:

England Newspaper, 1950: "The first man completely cured of HMD (Homosexuality Disorder)."

What a horrible sight for all the ones who were hiding, loving in secret and trying to love themselves despite it all. Some saw it and believed themselves to be truly sick. Others saw it and hid deeper into the shadows. But many saw it and felt hopeless, simply ending it all.

Those were dark years for everybody. Anger, depression, fear, and paranoia. Almost half of the papers talked about all the gruesome symptoms of HMD and how to avoid anyone who might have the disorder. Because, as the paper described them, "they were a menace to society".

Groups all around the world hunted and killed those they thought had HMD, putting down anybody regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or age. Some thought the killers were heroes, some remained uncaring, and some (secretly) feared them.

Around the 70s, the killings stopped. But the public knew not why or how, they simply did, and the headlines weren't about brutal murders of the so call "Criminals of The Race" any longer, nor were there any sign of the HMD anywhere on its content.

But the fear, of course, the fear remained.

The murders, persecution, imprisonment, and abuse exhibited on the news for the past twenty years and explicitly written for hundreds of years beforehand, showed how life would be for anyone who wasn't how they were "meant" to be.

Everyone, even your mirror, is judging you.

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