Chapter 41

190 15 19

Affectus Complicatum

Tangled Feelings

Jungkook had been leaning beside the doors to the Professors' Living Area for about five minutes now, waiting for anybody to open the door so he could slide in. He had a red apple in his hand and was playing with it, throwing it and catching it again lazily. His stomach was full from the breakfast the cook gave him so that's why he had left the apple for later.

Right now, he wasn't thinking of anything in particular. Or more like he was ignoring any particular thought at the moment. It was too early for everything that has happened so far, it was only half-past ten and he wanted to take a nap already.

He was right about to catch the apple in his hand once more when the door opened from the inside and out came a female professor walking straight ahead.

Right when the door was about to close again, Jungkook caught it at the same time he caught the apple and slid inside, walking like he belonged, calmed and nearly bored, throwing the apple and catching it again. Praying to any God who had sympathy for him to let him get to Taehyung without encountering anything undesirable.

He pushed the button to the elevator and waited, he could hear some chatter from the rooms on each side of him and, again, he wished the elevator would come quicker. So, once it came, he got in and pushed the button for the door to close as he pressed the number 2. He was able to breathe somewhat freely as the elevator went up.

The look on Leo's face. Emily's gasp. Did he really make the best decision?

He rolled his eyes and slightly slammed his forehead on the elevator's door before it opened once more. He sighed gratefully when he saw that there was no one there. Fastly, he walked to Taehyung's door and knocked for then to wait with his heart in his throat.

Finally, Taehyung opened it. He was wearing a dark blue, cotton shirt under a black, zipped-up sweatshirt, and gray jeans. And once he saw who it was, he frowned in concern as he hastily moved aside so Jungkook could get in.

Apparently, his face wasn't as calm as he thought it was.

Jungkook entered, apple clutched in hand, and walked straight ahead as he looked around the whole apartment. Only the table made for six at the far left corner of the room right in front of a tall window looked messy; with an opened laptop, papers, a coffee cup, an opened book, and some spectacles over its pages.

Jungkook had a ball painfully obstructing his throat and he kept looking around just to make absolutely sure no one else was there and no one could see them through the windows. As he did all of this in very quick succession, he heard the door locking behind him, and as though that was what he was waiting for all along, the lump in his throat took over as he turned around, heading straight to Taehyung's chest.

- My love, what happened? - Taehyung asked as he held Jungkook tightly with one hand around his waist and the other holding the back of his head close to his neck.

Jungkook just sobbed silently.

- I hate crying. - He managed to say before another silent sob rendered him speechless.

And he did hate it, for so many reasons, but right now he only thought of one important one: He was greeting Taehyung with tears right after he had farewell him the night before with tears as well.

The only mess in this place was himself.

What was he thinking when he sprang out to his friends like that? That was so unlike him. He was acting just as out of character as Leo had been, that's why Emily couldn't keep up, the both of them had changed so much in such a short amount of time that she was just baffled. And Jungkook had the nerve to demand that she changed just as fast as them? Just because he was able to change in a matter of just one moonlit night, doesn't mean that everybody else could as well.

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